more sunlightverse silliness...

Sep 13, 2012 22:58

this is such a cheesy idea, but at the same time it’s also a totes logical one, okay??? D:

Since the 24 trolls and 9 humans and one lone cherub are now the same mixed species thanks to game shenanigans, their God Tier/activated powers shape should be similar as well, right? And humans don’t physically change save for the clothes, but the trolls get wings.

And they massively outnumber the other species in this particular melting pot. (heck, dadbert is not actually a player so he counts for jack shit in this balance. welp.)

So… it totally makes sense that on top of the horns and grayed out skin and claws and teeth, the humans would also gain winged shapes when using their powers. Doesn’t it??? yes it does. >__>

But then Dave started bitching up a storm in my head about how if he had to have wings then they were damn well going to be HIS wings, IE Davesprite’s wings. IE bird/feathery. And if he was introducing feathers in the god “genome” then the other humans might as well get those, especially since it jived better with *their* mythological influences.

So now the gods on this planet are depicted as having wings, but the Identical Twin pairs (IE the ex-trolls, since they’re clones of each other) have butterfly wings, and the Fraternal Twins (ex-humans) have feathers, and the Lone Birth (Calliope) somehow gets bat wings, because lol cherub w/ demon wings lol i r easily amused.

I am the most logical. It is me.

(oh yes ironically enough the twin thing is what Calliope brought to the mix, reproductively speaking. I keep headcanoning cherubs as so violent and asocial (and omg traumatic insemination auuugh) that reproduction equals death pretty often, so if every time one child is born the mother dies then the species couldn’t perpetuate, so they tended to have multiple births. The new species that the players are gods of tends to twins and triplets, sometimes more. Winning the game meant getting rid of Lord English, so she is now Twinless in the local mythology. IDK if he’s still asleep in her head or dead for good. I tend to think “alseep” because I liked Caliborn, but he’s probably at least Satan in the new religion XD)

Long story short the ex-human players get bird wings when they access their god tier powers. I don’t mean angel wings, I mean bird. John’s are sparrow wings, Rose’s are storm petrel, Roxy’s are magpie wings, etcetera. And they’re all pretty short, Dave has the hugest by far, the rest tend to be between slightly over hand-length and slightly under arm-length, more cute/symbolic than functional. Wonder what color they’d be though, same as their eye color? Their “twin“‘s eye color? Their Aspect’s main color? Some other random color? Hmm.

This is kinda ridiculously speshul. But also hella fun to draw. So.

Askerian: aaawant ;_;
Saro : Well, why not?
Askerian: it’s cheesy? ._.
Askerian: .__.
Askerian: it’s so silly.
Saro : ...So?
Askerian: ._.
Saro : If there’s one thing I know about Homestuck, it’s that this is nooooot a super serious canon.
Askerian: ... this is a very good point!! :D

Also it's adorable okay.
(no roxy yet cause i don't know what Rogue god tier pajamas look like. ;.;)
(original sprites by Feastings. SO ADORABLE. edit by me duh.)

fantasticirreverence replied:
A little cheese does the soul good. Anyway, what kind of species did they create in this new universe? Have you given it any thought beyond their mythology?

Sure! They’re basically the same as this new species, humanoid with horns and pointy bits (only with no wings, those are for Godhood only), and their colors tend to be much more muddled because now eye color, skin color and blood color are independent from one another but can interact weird and affect how the end result looks. For example Sollux and Jane might have children who have her blue eyes gene and her brown-gray skin gene over his pure-gray skin gene, but they have HIS yellow blood which means the brown is yellowish since the blood now shows through AND the eyes end up looking green, since they’re her blue iris pigment+his yellow blood. (it’s not entirely scientifically figured out yet. Don’t try to make too much sense of it. XD) Also pure white or black hair doesn’t exist outside of legendary heroes and gods.

Also they’re monotremes. u.u

fandom: homestuck: sunlightverse, spamtastic

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