hello, Tuesday; you're looking better than Monday did

Aug 21, 2012 10:14

Prompt me? I'm doing an experiment today that requires all hands and no brain, so I can autopilot lab work and think about other things. Give me a fandom, character or pairing, and word/phrase/other, and I'll give you at least three sentences ( Read more... )

the gop hates women, oh life, fandom, i am not an incubator, what was i saying again?

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Comments 9

why_me_why_not August 21 2012, 15:20:06 UTC
GK, Brad/Ray, monkeys.


asimplechord August 21 2012, 16:35:41 UTC
It's not like Brad expected Ray to choose a specialty in animal behavior to fit his preferences. Brad did a double major in Psychology and Oceanography, and he was always going to study sharks. When Ray narrows his grad school applications to programs specializing in primate behavior, he's not surprised. The fact that he ends studying howler monkeys? Ridiculously amusing and appropriate. But he really appreciates that the nature preserve Ray's based at most of the year is close enough to the Caribbean that Brad can visit between rotations between Pacific and Indian Ocean trips and still get some "work" done.


why_me_why_not August 22 2012, 11:43:36 UTC


pjvilar August 21 2012, 17:31:13 UTC
American Idiot, Will/Tunny, smart


asimplechord August 21 2012, 18:22:23 UTC
Other than when Will's mom is lamenting his 'lost potential', it's easy for people to forget how smart Will actually is. Even Tunny forgets, his memory dulled by years of familiarity and the more recent, traumatic past, that he and Will first met in a TAG class in fourth grade.

But every once in a while, Will reminds him.

Case in point: when Tunny gets home, exhausted after a long PT session followed by a once-a-week epic evening lecture, he's planning on crashing. But Will's sprawled on the bed, propped up on one elbow over an issue of The New Yorker, a pair of reading glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. He starts to say something about Apple and patents, but all Tunny can hear is twelve-year-old Will's voice, geeking out over the circuit they build for their science class. He remembers the grins they'd shared, and he lies down so they can bump shoulders. Maybe he's not so tired after all.


pjvilar August 21 2012, 21:00:06 UTC
I looooooooooooooooooooooooove this. Love it.


asimplechord August 22 2012, 01:25:18 UTC
Will could've gotten a merit scholarship for college, because he's pretty smart when he's not killing brain cells with alcohol and pot, but he just... didn't. He was distracted by a steady stream of girls that ended with Heather, by his parents fighting, by all the stupid shit he and Tunny and Johnny got into. Tunny could have too - he didn't test quite as well as Will, but he worked harder in class - but he sort of fell into a no-man's land: school counselors were useless, and his mom's disinterest combined with his own anger issues left him floundering for something to do after they graduated, so he took classes at the community college part time and worked, and that's how everything was until they all scraped up enough cash to get the hell out of Jingletown. And we all know how that turned out.


a_carnal_mink August 22 2012, 03:34:45 UTC

Re: the GOP, this just appeared on my Flist - http://zimshan.livejournal.com/245973.html I haven't watched it myself yet for fear of THE RAGE of earlier this week coming back in full force, but I dunno, there might be soomit of interest there.


asimplechord August 22 2012, 13:35:49 UTC
I haven't watched that particular video - I'm sort of afraid to right now, because it'll enrage me, I'm sure - but the entire GOP platform is basically a right-to-life-from-the-moment-sperm-meets-egg manifesto, and McDonnell has already said he's going to try to introduce a Constitutional amendment supporting that, which would essentially make all abortions illegal. No one's talking about any exceptions. So even if Romney is paying lip-service to the fact that Akin's bullshit was just that, his party (and his running mate) are not going to go along. Ugh, if men had to give birth, birth control would be free and abortions would be standard medical care, no questions asked. I hate this fuckery. And it scares me that so many people are so disaffected and unwilling to vote or do anything to change it.

(We won't talk about the rant that stupid "women lie about getting raped" excuse precipitated.)


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