hello, Tuesday; you're looking better than Monday did

Aug 21, 2012 10:14

Prompt me? I'm doing an experiment today that requires all hands and no brain, so I can autopilot lab work and think about other things. Give me a fandom, character or pairing, and word/phrase/other, and I'll give you at least three sentences.

Other random things:

+ I forgot how shippy some fandoms are. Seriously.

+ Ugh, Akin. Look, I am a cynic. I think he's a misogynist with no knowledge of basic biology, but I don't think what he said is that far off the entire GOP's opinion of women and women's reproductive rights, given the last eighteen months of defunding and debate about including phrases like "forcible rape" in legislation. He just happened to express his opinion in a way, place, and time that grabbed media attention.

+ Work is off to a (marginally) better start. There have been no emergencies thus far, at least.

the gop hates women, oh life, fandom, i am not an incubator, what was i saying again?

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