Serious Business

Nov 29, 2009 02:52

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friends-cut, (public)

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Comments 38

wildpages November 29 2009, 01:53:18 UTC
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep meeeeeeeee!


ashspark November 29 2009, 02:01:53 UTC
Your spiritual father would kill me if I didn't keep you... So I guess I'll have to bear with you a little longer..... *heavy sigh*

I'm totally bullshitting of course! You're staying with me, even ur_attention is staying with me... I love you hon!


wildpages November 29 2009, 11:05:57 UTC
:O i see there's only one of you who really loves me ;___;

&hearts I LOVE YOU TOO :DD


ashspark November 29 2009, 11:28:25 UTC
LOL... Being loved by only said person is something I could totally envy, but thank God it was just a jibe, I don't know what I would do without you! *hugs tight*


roughs November 29 2009, 03:17:51 UTC
i know I'm a shitty commenter but I'm like that with everyone so ... keep me?


ashspark November 29 2009, 09:55:52 UTC
I'll keep you, for now... But if you do something Jacob/Bella apart from the fanmix you seem to have brewing you just posted, I won't be responsible for my actions! *is all crazy*


popcultaddict November 29 2009, 05:39:44 UTC
I'd like to stay please. Between having ridiculously slow internet and being busy with uni in general, I haven't really been commenting on my friend's journals - mostly fleeting comments on comms. But I do read every entry!


ashspark November 29 2009, 09:58:13 UTC
Oki doki! I get the being busy at uni thingy (I'l currently über busy trying to quit it and get a jobb but that's a whole new story)..
I just needed to make a post so that certain persons that I know will either not come forward or come forward saying that we need to stop being LJ friend would have a place to say so, for things to be clear, know what I mean?


popcultaddict November 29 2009, 13:57:46 UTC
Yeah, I totally understand. =D


(The comment has been removed)

ashspark November 29 2009, 10:05:30 UTC
Lol, you're not "in danger" there, don't worry... I'm glad you enjoy my crazy ramblings! I've been waiting for the rightpost to start commenting on your lj, I like making "great entrance"... I rememeber thinking that your Mad Men post could be great for that then fiu, RL got in the way.. But don't think I'm not reading!


whocares19_05 November 29 2009, 13:11:09 UTC
I'd like to stay?

I know I've been crappy at commenting lately but RL stuff was getting in the way big time. And I'm pretty busy sorting myself out...


ashspark November 29 2009, 14:05:32 UTC
Okay! I just needed to know if you wanted to stay or if you wanted to leave... I like it better when things are "clear", I don't want to wonder too much about things like that ( I already tend to overthink so many things...)
And I get RL being a bitch, I'm sorry it's being that way for you! *hugs*


whocares19_05 November 29 2009, 20:53:50 UTC
Oh god, I totally know the overthinking part... I get your point. ;)
It's okay, really. I'm sorting everything out right now and things should be back to normal soon. =) *hugs back*


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