Serious Business

Nov 29, 2009 02:52

Hello people

So here it is: I don't want people commenting on entries they don't care about, but I'm also tired of trying to leave comments on everybody's journal and never getting the same curtesy. So I'm doing a Friend-cut. A few people aka the Suricates are almost sure to stay (jk), and my latest LJ friends who didn't have the time to leave a comment are safe too, unless they want to be cut because I'm too much of a fangirl.

The others, for a lot of you, we just don't talk anymore, for whatever reason. So I have to do this. I can't put personal stuff on the internet and feel like I'm boring the crap outta you. So if you wanna stay, comment there, and by next sunday, I'll cut those who haven't said they wanted to stay. No harsh feelings. I just need to do this so I will feel safer posting my ramblings and random crap, and won't worry anymore about why some people stopped commenting.


Edit: Btw, screened comments just in case... If you need to tell me why you don't want to remain my lj-friend, I can totally take it, but maybe that needs to remain between you and I, feel me?

friends-cut, (public)

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