The Bradbury Building

Feb 17, 2008 23:32

(Photo: University of Southern California)

Right after you got your driver's license, where was the very first place you drove to on your own? Do you remember? I sure do! As soon as I could talk my dad into loaning me his car for a day, of all places, I went here - to the Bradbury Building, at 304 S. Broadway in Los Angeles. I couldn't wait to see this place with my own eyes. I was 16 years old then, and the Bradbury was, in a certain sense, my first love...

(Photo: Floyd B. Bariscale)

I'd learned about the Bradbury via a favorite TV show called "Ralph Story's Los Angeles," and what I saw really struck a chord in me. For starters, I could hardly believe such an old building still existed in Los Angeles (it was built in 1889-1893). I'd grown up in the L.A. area and I never heard of the place before, and neither had my parents, both of whom had lived most of their lives in the southland.

Just to look at it, though, you can understand why the Bradbury didn't attract a lot of attention. It doesn't appear to be anything special at all from the outside. It's the interior design of the building that sets it apart from all others of its time, and still makes it a standout to this day...




*chuckles* Are you thinking maybe you've seen this place before? Well, you probably have! (It was J.F. Sebastian's apartment building in Blade Runner.) ^^

I remember the day so well - I'd dragged my friend Gary along for the ride, and it being a Saturday, we had the whole building essentially to ourselves. It was great! We went up and down one of the ancient elevators at least twice. (It was surprisingly quiet, as I recall.)

When we were there in 1970, the Bradbury hadn't yet achieved its national landmark status, and was in need of a little TLC. These recent pics of the interior really impress me, though. What amazing ironwork! And whoever did this restoration did a truly brilliant job. It looks a lot nicer now than it did way back when.

*sighs* I always wanted to be an architect when I was growing up, but my teachers and counselors finally convinced me that I didn't have the math or art skills to be good at it. (Thanks a bunch, folks.) I should have just gone ahead and done it anyway. I know now I could have been great. I've always had an eye for beauty in buildings. By and large, I'm very disappointed with the quality of the architecture my generation has produced. I'd've done a lot better if I'd had the chance...

nostalgia, los angeles, history

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