*dusts off the neglected Journal*

Feb 02, 2018 20:38

*sheepishly waves*

I'm popping in because I feel like I need to write more than twitter will allow me (where I pretty much live now in terms of fandom).

I'm ALSO here because I loved that ep to the point of needing to post (wow, long time since that's happened). So...here's why I loved it soooo much:

Yikes. I almost forgot how to do a cut-text! )

s13 reaction, supernatural

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Comments 23

anniespinkhouse February 2 2018, 13:26:12 UTC
This episode surprised me in a good way. I'd like to hug Andrew Yockey - finally we get a writer who can weave a buch of characters and storylines without it becoming a dogs dinner AND with the brothers central and foremost. He even fitted in Sam's trauma memories! Finally!
The scene of them wrestling ON the Impala reminded me of Tall Tales, and it had all my favourite characters in the frame. Nice directing from Amanda Tapping throughout.
Even Lucifer and Cas didn't annoy me like usual, we got a sense of Lucifer's real old evil and Cas's bamf mode. I am still confused how a small stick got them out of their prison but I'll deal with that for the overall direction. S


amberdreams February 2 2018, 15:25:45 UTC
Oh the stick was just a symbol of Lucifer's powerlessness - so he couldn't even make a little twig move, his grace was so weak, until he got cross and then he wafted it into the wall. Then he just compounded the irony by sticking the same twig into snarky-demon-jailer's neck at the end, just to demonstrate even little sticks can be painful.


anniespinkhouse February 2 2018, 19:10:46 UTC
Ah, right. So I spent all together too long trying to work it out instead of getting on and enjoying the next bit of the episode. Ha!
MY twitter went into hibernation years ago, so you're safe.


amberdreams February 2 2018, 19:12:56 UTC
But isn't it funny the things we become fixated on while watching!


amberdreams February 2 2018, 15:23:00 UTC
I'm glad you didn't read my reaction post because it comes across as if I wasn't happy with this episode when actually - I was. I really enjoyed the parts that I enjoyed enormously then wrote mainly about the parts I thought were dodgy. Sigh. Why do I do that? LOL

Never mind. And please STEP AWAY FROM THE TWITTER! We need you here (positive and negative)


ash48 February 3 2018, 10:18:32 UTC
I really enjoyed the parts that I enjoyed enormously then wrote mainly about the parts I thought were dodgy.

Haha, well, I've done that plenty of times. I have since read you post and I can agree with the bits that didn't grab. I think I was so thrilled with what we DID get (after not getting it for so long - including the rather anvilious MoTW sisters :D) that I didn't mind the weaker bits. :)


amberdreams February 3 2018, 11:47:51 UTC
To be honest, I didn't mind the non good bits either, it's just when I came to splurge my thoughts they ended up getting the lion's share. Which didn't reflect my enjoyment of the rest at all!


fanspired February 2 2018, 15:24:02 UTC
I've said this a couple of times already, but I think Dabb and the old guard should just bugger off to WS and leave the new people to run the show, because they get it.


ash48 February 3 2018, 10:20:22 UTC
I could agree with that. I'm not sure WS will get picked up, but if it does, I think we will lose them. Well, if not Dabb, definitely Berens (which would be a shame because when he was writing solely for Supernatural, he did it very well).


fanspired February 3 2018, 13:21:59 UTC
I don't think his heart's in WS. I think maybe he's the heir elect show-runner of WS since he's writing the pilot eps. If that's the case then he's obviously going to accept - it's a significant promotion - but I think in his heart he'd rather continue writing for Sam and Dean.


amypond45 February 2 2018, 16:40:47 UTC
So much agreement for all of this! I was happier than I have a right to be, this being winter here and the time of year when I’m usually feeling pretty down. But this - the scenes with Sam and Rowena in the car and the one with Sam and Dean at the end, in particular, although not ONLY those scenes - had me very engaged and excited, then crying into an entire box of tissues. So glad it inspired this wonderful review!


ash48 February 3 2018, 10:22:35 UTC
I can't believe that the show still manages to make we cry AND squee. It's why I'm still watching. :)


gidgetgal9 February 2 2018, 17:03:19 UTC
Glad you popped into comment! My inner Samgirl was so happy with this episode and two weeks of Sam POV which wow! I like the new writers and the new blood. Not counting on this lasting the whole season because I know better than to get hopes up but I'll take what they give and squee! :)


ash48 February 4 2018, 12:55:10 UTC
I know! 2 weeks of Sam PoV! Too good to be true... (hoping for some more - especially, with the mention of his memories of Lucifer)


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