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Comments 37

auntmo9 October 24 2015, 14:24:15 UTC
I did enjoy the scene between the angel and demon in the bar and it's definitely a reflection of how mundane that storyline has become. I'd like to think that if any of the old school angels and demons from previous seasons ever showed up they would ask "what happened to all of you?" ( and not as nicely ( ... )


ash48 October 25 2015, 11:05:26 UTC
previous seasons ever showed up they would ask "what happened to all of you?"

haha! I think Zach would be horrified!

in many ways I am enjoying Sam much more this season.

Oh me too! SO much more. In fact, I'd say (other than maybe end of S8) it's been my fave Sam in Carver's era. He's been self sufficient, snarky and compassionate. Qualities I've missed. I really hope they give Dean a chance to find his feet properly after his last season and a half journey. I'd love to see him move past the guilt and see both himself and Sam's worth again.


batgurl10 October 24 2015, 15:26:02 UTC
Ash, this is why I come to your page after every ep. You somehow manage to capture exactly what Im feeling these days about SPN. for the first time ever, I rated 1. I didnt know this was the first ep filmed and honestly, I dont think its supposed to matter or else they wouldnt film out of order. I think it boils down to I fell in love with a story about 2 brothers with an unhealthy codependant relationship fighting evil. The show has evolved to an ensemble show that features caricatures of the boys every now and again. Its like 90210 monster style. Its just not what it was. And before you say that shows that go on as long as a decade! (@@ wow!) must evolve or die, I agree but they seem to have changed the essence of what made this my favorite thing ever! I honestly could care less about the angel storyline. The Darkness could be interesting but I think whats cheapening the effect as you stated is that banality of the angel/demon storyline. Remember when just the "sight of an angel" was enough to make demons crap their ( ... )


ruby_jelly October 25 2015, 04:34:31 UTC
If I could "like" this comment, I would. Needless to say, I totally agree, and particularly hate the ensemble crap. Re-occurring is/was one thing, and quite a lot of fun, actually, but now? I don't / haven't cared for quite a while. What does it mean when you watch a show, fast forwarding through any scenes not including the brothers? Haven't seen much of show at all, I guess.


ash48 October 25 2015, 11:17:07 UTC
The show has evolved to an ensemble show that features caricatures of the boys every now and again.

*nods* It's become an ensemble show (even though the Js say it's not) in order to give them some more time off. And I appreciate that, as they have families. But, for me, it means there are episodes that just don't interest me. I'm not a big fan of ensemble TV at the best of times (unless it's something like Leverage were I loved all the 5 characters). I think because the show we fell in love with revolved solely around the brothers it's hard now to accept what it's had to become.

And before you say that shows that go on as long as a decade! (@@ wow!) must evolve or die,I think the evolving should be about the characters evolving not so much them staying the same and adding new characters. I would much rather see Sam and Dean develop as characters rather than open up new character stories. I mean, I actually love many of the other characters (Jody and Donna yay!), but we don't have every other episode being about their lives ( ... )


kassidy62 October 24 2015, 15:26:06 UTC
There was a time when show tried to stay away from the more cartoonish characteristics of what they were making stories about and instead focus on the horror. That worked.
This doesn't. It makes the whole mythology and storylines sillier. It's where, to my mind, the show under Jeremy Carver fails time and again. Reminds me of Charmed's last years. Even Sera, coming up with the B movie craziness that was the leviathans, still basically kept up the darkness rather than the silliness.

About the Sam keeping secrets moment, I actually thought, oh, Dean's moving on now. The look he gave Sam was, to me, like he was concerned because once again, secrets, but he didn't look mad, which is his default to anything he thinks Sam does wrong. I thought it was progress in their relationship! It's always interesting how people read things differently.


ash48 October 25 2015, 13:35:09 UTC
Yeah, I love it best when they do real horror rather than the cartoonish approach. I like humour in the show, but I love it most when we have some real scares.

but he didn't look mad, which is his default to anything he thinks Sam does wrong.

Oh good. I'll have to look at that again. Others have said the same so maybe I missed something. I am ALWAYS looking for progress in their relationship - so I'd love it to be progress. Especially if it was Dean somehow thinking about the secret he was keeping from Sam. Having a connection to the Darkness is a must tell I reckon. Maybe it will come out next ep.


cuddyclothes October 24 2015, 15:35:41 UTC
Whoever said "total disconnect and weariness" caught my feelings exactly. This is an excellent write-up. It's dispiriting to watch a show go down the drain and know that everyone is doing it strictly for the money year after year, but pretending to be excited about it.

Recently they had S4 and 5 on TNT. Rewatching those seasons really made the contrast stark. Nobody seems like they're enjoying themselves, except perhaps Mark Sheppard. It's definitely become an ensemble show--just look at how most of the show's promotional art features all four characters.


ash48 October 25 2015, 13:38:45 UTC
Definitely ensemble now. I know why it is so, but I wish they could have done something else to give the boys time off.

Mark does look like he's enjoying himself. :)


galwithglasses October 24 2015, 15:54:37 UTC
Jensen did well with what he had, Sam looked good, the kid really held her own, the Mega Coven is the dumbest thing ever, the porn scene was expected and as annoying as usual from this duo, the 'get a life comment' was perfect, this was a Destiel shipper's dream if you like your romance flavored with beatings, why any of these characters think anyone is keeping any kind of deals except the crossroads kind is insane, the angel and demon at the bar need to have a balcony box, popcorn, and a pay raise ( ... )


ash48 October 26 2015, 11:02:38 UTC
Sam looked good

He did! Such a major improvement from last season (hair wise) and JA sure knows how to frame him. :)

I just didn't know what to make of the Mega Coven. I am assuming it was there for the comedy but, idk. Removes the dark nature of it all. But then, that level of darkness seems to be removed from the show now anyway. Demons seem to be comic relief also.

this was a Destiel shipper's dream if you like your romance flavored with beatings,

Yeah, I figured it might be. I'm not sure what's with all the beatings. Is it code for "I really want to have sex with you but I can't so I'll beat you instead? ;D. There was face touching so I figure that will have been giffed a lot!

the angel and demon at the bar need to have a balcony box, popcorn, and a pay raise.

LAUGHS!! Perfect.

I think the Js are as bored with it as we are.

From the way they talk in cons I would agree. Enough already!

Still this isn't the worst episode these 2 have written so that's a small comfort.*nods*. It was probably pretty solid if you' ( ... )


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