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Comments 37

casey28 October 24 2015, 22:07:20 UTC
Dean trying to get Crowley on the phone. *headdesk* What happened to summoning him, like they used to do.

Sam summoned Crowley at the end of 9.23, but Crowley didn't appear for him. Crowley answers his phone (or being summoned) only if he wants to.

Also, Dean isn't upset that Sam tried to kill Crowley... it's about the deal with Rowena being a secret. I don't think it's something that will cause a big rift between them. And yes, they're both keeping secrets.

After all the verbal abuse that Sam copped last season from MoC and demon!Dean surely they could make Dean a little more sympathetic toward Sam. I don't expect an apology but why have we had 3 episodes of this uncaring Dean toward Sam? In 11.01 and 11.02, Dean asked Sam if he was ok. He does care about Sam. If Sam had been truthful with him, there would've been more opportunity for Dean to show how much he cares about Sam. But instead, the writers had Sam keep it a secret, and kept them apart for most of 11.02. The next ep focuses on Cas, and has Dean caring about him ( ... )


ash48 October 26 2015, 12:33:01 UTC
I don't think it's something that will cause a big rift between them.

*phew* I hope not.

Dean asked Sam if he was ok.

Did he? Damn, I feel bad that I can't remember that. And I know Dean really does care about Sam. Always. I suppose I would just love to see that care translate more on the screen at times. Especially after everything that they've been through. But, I will be patient. ;)


casey28 October 26 2015, 15:13:59 UTC
Rowena was using the "secret" as a way of throwing the boys off balance, but they didn't fall for it. Whenever a brother finds out that there's been a secret, I expect there to be some type of negative reaction, but Dean already knows that Sam did something to get rid of the Mark without telling him, and this was just one more detail about it. So, that's why I don't think it'll be a big problem between them.

Yes, Dean did ask if he was ok! :) I did a few post about that, and it shows when he did it....



I suppose I would just love to see that care translate more on the screen at times

The writers need to give us more Sam and Dean hurt/comfort. The last time we saw that (in a big way) was in 10.19.


zebra363 October 25 2015, 01:08:52 UTC
I also liked the scene with the angel and the demon in the bar best (and hoped they'd head out back for quickie).


ash48 October 25 2015, 11:06:48 UTC
haha! Oh, now I want fic. :)


tebtosca October 25 2015, 01:09:28 UTC


ash48 October 25 2015, 11:05:57 UTC
Hee, glad I can keep you amused…;)


enablelove October 26 2015, 00:58:10 UTC
SIGH. You've summed up my feelings.

The bar scene was my fave, legit cracked up.
Jensen is meant to be a director.
Amara as a kiddo was cool
They whole angel/demon arc fsdkljlsj
Crowley doesn't seem as evil anymore and yeah everything just seems apathetic re: all of that

But then Sam and Dean come on the screen, and I'm like - oh yeah - those two idjits are my faves ever.


ash48 October 26 2015, 12:36:10 UTC
*nods* the boys on the screen always remind me why I am still obsessed with it. :))

Jensen seems like a great director. I always wonder if he'll continue after the show ends.


cassiopeia7 October 26 2015, 02:27:06 UTC
I did love the angel-demon bar scene, and overall, Jensen did an utterly fantastic job with what he was given, but ultimately, when Sam and Dean weren't onscreen, I was bored. I'm hoping that now they're done with the "opening three" and can move on to what makes us love the show. *adjusts rose-colored glasses* I cannot WAIT to see the "Baby" episode!


ash48 October 26 2015, 12:39:27 UTC
I cannot WAIT to see the "Baby" episode!

I CAN'T WAIT EITHER! If it's as good as it sounds then I should love it! :DD \o/

I know that not all eps will be great so I keep reminding myself that there's always the next one! :D


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