Further thoughts on 11.02 (Sam meta)

Oct 17, 2015 15:53

The reason I love discussing the show is that it helps me get to grips with something I might have missed or not understood ( Read more... )

meta, thinky, supernatural

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Comments 39

fanspired October 17 2015, 11:30:26 UTC
And how about this: if Billie is really Death playing in a different sandbox, maybe her "threat" that if Sam and/or Dean die again it will be for good this time, was actually Death assuring Sam that he would make good on the promise he made Sam in 9.1?


ash48 October 17 2015, 11:55:21 UTC
I like the idea that Billie is the new Death. It would make some sense because really? Death can die? Death is probably like Dr who. Reincarnated after one body is somehow destroyed.

And it's interesting that they see dying as a bad thing (and normally it would be), but I would think that for the boys it would be time to finally rest. "There will be peace when you are done".


fanspired October 17 2015, 12:11:51 UTC


percysowner October 17 2015, 12:29:46 UTC
I also think that Sam telling Dean "I'd do it again" about saving Dean is another clue. Sam knows he's committed to changing their pattern. He also knows that however committed he is, he would still fall back on that pattern and go to lengths he shouldn't to save Dean and Dean hasn't yet expressed the need to change how they operate he kind of agreed but didn't make a conclusive statement that he believes that Sam is right to want to change this. So Dean is more likely to revert to old patterns than Sam is and Sam has acknowledged that he would still revert to those patterns. They are just starting to think about readjusting how they work and it's really easy to "fall of the wagon" as it were.


ash48 October 17 2015, 13:43:01 UTC
*nods*. I still long for Dean to acknowledge this - I have since S9. Sam has sometimes been this voice (as I think he was when he told Dean "Same circumstances - I wouldn't") but they then back track on it. There was no chance it was going to happen last season with the Moc, so maybe it will be something this season. Though, I remain wary - I'm not entirely sure the Show sees what Dean did in S9 as problematic (and yet consider Sam torturing a demon to get answers to cure Dean to be), so we'll have to see.

I'm hoping these first there episodes will be about them readjusting and finding their balance again. It's started that way, so it will be interesting to see if that continues. Not sure what they're planning with Dean though. If he's tied to the Darkness, that may skew his reactions to things.


borgmama1of5 October 17 2015, 14:09:15 UTC
It is one thing for Sam to accept his own death. The problem for me is the rest of his statement:

“And if I have to die, I’ve made my peace with that, but please, Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life.”What he is missing is that if Sam is dead, there is no 'better life' for Dean! Sam acknowledged to Dean in his impassioned speech about saving people in the first episode: if something happened to Dean, Sam 'would do the same thing' to bring him back again because Sam can't be without Dean. So why can't Sam see the same is true for Dean? Why does Sam think that he is not as necessary for Dean's continued existence as Dean is for his? To say 'I've made my peace with dying but it's going to kill Dean, so take care of him and help him find a reason to keep going ( ... )


ash48 October 17 2015, 14:47:02 UTC
So why can't Sam see the same is true for Dean? Why does Sam think that he is not as necessary for Dean's continued existence as Dean is for his?

I think this is the eternal question of them. As I said in my last paragraph, I have no idea why they think the other would be better without them. Dean has expressed the same thoughts. When he made the deal to sell his soul, how did he think Sam would be ok with that? Or when he took the mark? They have very weird ideas of how the other would be without them. Though, I think it's consistent in their characterisations. I think they each feel a burden to the other. It's kind of crazy.

and a symptom of how Sam, after all this time, still doesn't see himself as important :(Yes. And i see them both having this quality. Though I think Sam truly believed he wasn't going to die, I think he believed in himself (more than he has done in the past) and hearing Dean believe in him helped. I had wondered why Dean had said "I know you will" when Sam said he'd find a cure ( ... )


borgmama1of5 October 17 2015, 15:02:22 UTC
I think they each feel a burden to the other.

Yep, that is it in a nutshell. And the part that makes me crazy and keep watching--I want them both to realize their own worth both individually and to each other!!!


tebtosca October 17 2015, 14:11:23 UTC
I HAVE to assume this will be addressed because the last 2 episodes have led up to it.

You're adorable, Ash.


ash48 October 17 2015, 14:26:54 UTC
haha! I expected the "Oh hun" gif. I am disappoint.

(and I kind of know that it's unlikely this what they are thinking. But damn, it would be nice if they didn't let me down. Again :( But I am prepared. I'm still taking away that Sam was in control this time, so that makes me feel a bit better about it all).


tebtosca October 17 2015, 14:31:30 UTC
The next episode is Rabid Puppy Angel Daycare and Crypt Scene Part 74832324 by the Deadly Duo. Just keep your expectations low, bb, that's all I'm saying haha

And remember:

... )


ash48 October 17 2015, 14:36:25 UTC
Haha! I haven't seen that one. :))

Yep. Angel daycare will be a thrill ride I'm sure! :)

I'll will keep my expectations low -especially for the next ep. I admit to having high ones for the one after that.

Just please. I don't want them to continue at odds with each other - or their cause. That's all I really ask for.


casey28 October 17 2015, 23:53:28 UTC
Very interesting thinky thoughts!

but at the moment it's actually getting me excited again

Yay! :D

is it any wonder he wants to keep Dean out of it now? Experience tells him that it really (really!) isn't going to end well if Dean tries to save him (and this isn't just about what Dean has done, it's also about what Sam has done too).

In this case, it was about saving Sam and all of the rabids, so it meant looking for a cure for all of them. If Jenna hadn't called Dean and told her that something weird was going on with Amara, Dean would've gone to Sam, and Sam wouldn't have had a problem with that. First they'd have to exhaust all possibilities for a cure, before Dean even considered doing anything else to save Sam.


ash48 October 19 2015, 11:16:08 UTC
Very interesting thinky thoughts!

Thank you! I can't believe I'm writing thinky when I swore I was done with it!

First they'd have to exhaust all possibilities for a cure, before Dean even considered doing anything else to save Sam.

That's true. I think it's interesting that they gave us this at the beginning of the season. I'm hoping it means something, but I'm not holding my breath.


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