Further thoughts on 11.02 (Sam meta)

Oct 17, 2015 15:53

The reason I love discussing the show is that it helps me get to grips with something I might have missed or not understood ( Read more... )

meta, thinky, supernatural

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tebtosca October 17 2015, 14:11:23 UTC
I HAVE to assume this will be addressed because the last 2 episodes have led up to it.

You're adorable, Ash.


ash48 October 17 2015, 14:26:54 UTC
haha! I expected the "Oh hun" gif. I am disappoint.

(and I kind of know that it's unlikely this what they are thinking. But damn, it would be nice if they didn't let me down. Again :( But I am prepared. I'm still taking away that Sam was in control this time, so that makes me feel a bit better about it all).


tebtosca October 17 2015, 14:31:30 UTC
The next episode is Rabid Puppy Angel Daycare and Crypt Scene Part 74832324 by the Deadly Duo. Just keep your expectations low, bb, that's all I'm saying haha

And remember:

... )


ash48 October 17 2015, 14:36:25 UTC
Haha! I haven't seen that one. :))

Yep. Angel daycare will be a thrill ride I'm sure! :)

I'll will keep my expectations low -especially for the next ep. I admit to having high ones for the one after that.

Just please. I don't want them to continue at odds with each other - or their cause. That's all I really ask for.


tebtosca October 17 2015, 15:13:08 UTC
Carver's version of them not being at odds is them just a) being separated and/or b) not telling each other the bad shit so they don't know they are supposed to be mad lol


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tebtosca October 17 2015, 15:49:11 UTC

... )


cuddyclothes October 18 2015, 01:31:16 UTC


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