Spoilers baby! (like HEAPS of them...)

Jul 22, 2014 21:10

There's been some pretty juicy spoilers come out over the last few days and I have been itching to chat about them. I have been fluctuating between feeling really excited and being filled with dread ( Read more... )

s10 musings, spoilers, supernatural

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Comments 67

tebtosca July 22 2014, 14:08:35 UTC
two more came out last night from Zap2it: Carver and Jensen

All I'm choosing to hear is "LONE WOLF MYSTERY SPOT SAM" and "SASSY DEMON DEAN"


cassiopeia7 July 22 2014, 14:16:45 UTC
. . . your brain, I like how it works. ♥


quickreaver July 22 2014, 14:29:23 UTC
You are sage and glorious.


ash48 July 22 2014, 14:31:13 UTC
Thanks hun! I had read those - but then couldn't remember where they all were!

And yes yes. Those are the two most exciting descriptions! "lone wolf" definitely reminded me of MS Sam. And man am I looking forward to sassy Dean. When Carver says they are "I am what I am" I suspect that's Dean embracing his demonhood me thinks...


cassiopeia7 July 22 2014, 14:14:51 UTC
Very much looking forward to demon!Dean. And sex. And questionable actions on his part. Looking forward to this very, very much. :)

Sam is so invested in finding his brother that it leads him to do some questionable things that will make him and, certainly, the audience wonder which one of these guys is the true monster.

Kinda with you on this. On the one hand, it looks as if they're giving Sam more to do than just research and hand-wringing. Look what Dean did in S9 to save his brother (and look how some of fandom reacted to it) -- so maybe S10 will feature Sam doing something equally unpalatable to save HIS brother, mirroring Dean's earlier actions? I'm hoping the "monster" implication is just hyperbole on Jared's part. Hoping. (But, certain fans were calling Dean a monster for what he did to save Sam, so perhaps Jared's got the right idea after all ( ... )


ash48 July 22 2014, 14:38:54 UTC
On the one hand, it looks as if they're giving Sam more to do than just research and hand-wringing.

Yes. Much more than hand wringing, which is awesome. In fact, sounds like he's going to be very busy. Jared describes the opening as more "action" than anything else. *bounces*

I'm hoping the "monster" implication is just hyperbole on Jared's part.

Yeah, though that's coming from Carver. I suspect he likes the idea of either making them even in their nastiness (or questionable decisions) or maybe even one "more evil" than the other. I'm curious to see his direction on this.

It's going to be weird (I think( having Cas off on his grace quest without that involving the boys. I can only imagine some more characters being introduced to help him - or something.

IDK, both Jared and Jensen seem to be happy with where the season is going, with the directions their characters are taking,

Yeah, great to see them both so happy about it all (and no, I'm not going to be cynical and says it's more secure income...;D)

so . . . . maybe ( ... )


cassiopeia7 July 22 2014, 14:57:13 UTC
Jared describes the opening as more "action" than anything else. *bounces*

Yes, please. Slow-motion, shirtless, sweat-shining, hair-swinging Sam!action? I can live with this.

Crap, did I write "Jared" instead of "Carver"? That's what I get for trying to digest all those interviews at once. Mea culpa, Jared.

Yes, grasshopper. Patience. *gnaws nails*


quickreaver July 22 2014, 15:49:15 UTC


percysowner July 22 2014, 14:22:38 UTC
There is another interview with Carver up now on Zap2It It gives us some other new spoilers ( ... )


ash48 July 23 2014, 11:48:45 UTC
Hi. Thanks. I had read that other interview (I have linked it now).

The quote makes me feel like if Dean does something bad, then Sam must do something much, much worse just so Dean always looks better than Sam. And I'm so, so sick of that.

SO much this. I just don't get it. Why can't Dean be evil and Sam have to save him from that in an honorable way? I was SO SO sure that last season was about Sam really understanding that there are lines you don't cross. Clearly it was not about that so now we have Sam who is prepared to do a WORSE thing than Dean did at the beginning of last season. And possibly even worse that anything demon!Dean will do. Oh well, if they want to have the boys competing over "badness" and Sam wins GO SAM! You be the BEST evil thing you can be. And don't worry, Dean will have to save you and show you how much of a better brother he can be! ;D


growyourwings July 23 2014, 17:46:22 UTC
You know it's funny, when I first read the interview where Carver(?) said something about not being able to tell who was the worst/real(?) monster, I for whatever reason automatically assumed he was referring to Dean. It wasn't until I read here that it was likely he was referring to Sam. Goes to show that, for me, the recent events/seasons has so muddled the intrinsic characteristics of both characters, that I'm generally confused ( ... )


novakev July 22 2014, 16:02:03 UTC
When I heard that we would wonder which was the true monster, my thoughts went to Sam drinking demon blood. He took out Lillith, why couldn't he take out Crowley? Or control Dean? But then, he doesn't have Dean!Dean to pull him back and throw him in detox.(The again, Sam controlling Demon!Dean sounds very appealing.) :D


ash48 July 23 2014, 11:51:42 UTC
It makes me wonder if he would go back to drink demon blood. It would seem like a complete re-doing of that past story line. Which, yeah, Carver is doing that - but I'd be surprised his they revisited the demon blood drinking. On the one hand though, it cold be extremely interesting if he did that. I do like powerful Sam, so that could be a positive thing I suppose. :)


thursdaysisters July 22 2014, 17:20:37 UTC
I can see Sam doing something questionable if, say, every other hunter was on Dean's trail cuz DEMON and Sam was like "whelp time to summon that unholy army I was always destined to lead" #boykingSam


quickreaver July 22 2014, 17:23:55 UTC
*gives you a kiss and a cookie*


cassiopeia7 July 22 2014, 18:40:25 UTC
Now, THAT is my kinda plotline.


thursdaysisters July 22 2014, 18:59:25 UTC
Or better still, Dean continues the family business by spiking every demon in his path, and Sam sits back with a bag of Jiffy Pop.


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