Jul 03, 2014 23:52

Some TV stuff...(spoilers for everything!!)

Teen Wolf )

teen wolf, hannibal, spoilers, musketeers, game of thrones, tv

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Comments 20

callistosh65 July 3 2014, 16:29:28 UTC
I'm with you on GoT and Teen Wolf. I actually know TW from Tumblr more than anything - I've read and enjoyed quite a few Sterek stories from some of my favourite SPN writers, but I think I've only watched a couple of episodes ( the hugs one, natch) and a couple of genuinely creepy ones when Stiles was possessed, or whatever that was. I can't be a regular viewer, though, it's just too confusing and ridiculous and *teen* like.

As for GoT, I got in late but mainstreamed all of the eps, and yes, Peter Dinklage is mesmerising to watch. Love it- there really is nothing quite like it in TV right now, though I feel we should brace ourselves for the flurry of lesser budget lookalikes that are surely in the pipeline.

How many days have we got till the boys come back on our screens????


ash48 July 3 2014, 16:42:00 UTC
I think the TW fandom is extremely active (and, in fact, before I watched the show I though Stiles and Derek were actually an item!).

I can't be a regular viewer, though, it's just too confusing and ridiculous and *teen* like.

Yeah, it's very teen-like (and the fact that actors are in their late twenties makes me chuckle...). I am completely puzzled by the draw of this show. It really does just come down to Stiles.

I feel we should brace ourselves for the flurry of lesser budget lookalikes that are surely in the pipeline.

Definitely. I've watched a few eps of stuff that's really poor quality and not bothered with any more. With these high quality, very expensive shows it must be hard to compete.

Hee...and then there's SPN. I never include that show in these kind of posts because, well, that's not a TV show. That's a way of life!

I saw somewhere that it's less than 100 days 'til they're back! 8th October? Something like that? My next school holidays anyway...;)


masja_17 July 3 2014, 17:59:06 UTC
Agree with you on GoT, really awesome!

And the boys will be back Tuesday 7th October!

The other shows I don't watch at all as it's complicated for me here in Sweden.



ash48 July 5 2014, 02:54:40 UTC
Yay October 7th! (Seems so long away though...!)


amberdreams July 3 2014, 18:08:01 UTC
I admit, I can't be arsed with GOT after reading all the books over the years - though I totally agree with you about Peter Dinklage - he's sooooo good! He was pretty damn good in X Men too. That voice...


ash48 July 5 2014, 02:55:43 UTC
Oh yes, he was great in X-Men. I imagine if I'd read the books I wouldn't bother with the series. Though - it looks amazing and the acting is fantastic. :)


chomaisky July 4 2014, 03:46:44 UTC
I'm loving Orphan Black and Hannibal, too. I love your interpretation of Hannibal's finale. Makes sense :)


ash48 July 5 2014, 02:58:08 UTC
Yeah, we were trying to work out why it ended like that (I really thought he would have been captured at the end), and the idea of seduction seems to fit with the rest of the season.

And OB is just so wonderful! I can't believe it when a new clone is introduced - Tatiana absolutely nails all the incarnations. She's incredible.


sam_dean_lover July 4 2014, 14:50:16 UTC
i watch tw-loved the 1st 2 seasons lost track of it in season 3, and now im back to watching it again in season 4. the other shows i dont watch


ash48 July 5 2014, 02:59:09 UTC
I really enjoyed Season 3. Stiles was great - and as I mostly watch for him I was a happy gal! The show makes little sense, but I enjoy it still.


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