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Comments 52

cassiopeia7 April 30 2014, 12:32:01 UTC
It makes me even more worried that Carver really has no understanding of the SPN audience (and probably explains why the first half of S8 was such soap opera). We are NOT that audience (ack! are we? I don't mean to speak on behalf of the spn fandom...)

I hadn't thought of it that way, but man, that's scary if true. Carver seemed to be aware of the SPN audience during the first three seasons, but maybe that was more Kripke's influence. IDK, maybe Carver spent his time away from SPN watching too much Twilight and Vampire Diaries. He's seen the 'success' of those genres and wants to turn SPN into something that it is most definitely not. His showrunning view feels less like that of someone who was around at the beginning and more like that of fans who started watching after S4, and think that the core of the show is something else entirely.

In any case, I agree wholeheartedly. We are NOT THAT AUDIENCE.

even a ghost!Kevin and Mama Tran spin off would have been more exciting.

LOL, yes! I would watch the hell out of that. :D


ash48 April 30 2014, 12:45:07 UTC
Carver confuses the hell out of me! When I think of the last two seasons they are actually really dark (which that series looks like it's going to lack). There's also an element about them that I really like (looking into the darker elements of the boys relationship) - but then there's also that soapy kind of drama and overly dramatised angst that I really don't like that much (all the heighten drama about said relationship). He really "got it" with Mystery Spot and the Xmas ep and I don't know if that was Kripke or what. I wish I knew because I hang onto hope that he actually really DOES get it.

I'd watch the hell out of Kevin and Mama Tran too! It would be cool if they did a spin off that included all SPN's secondary characters. They'd probably all come together as a post meeting the Winchesters support group... ;)


cassiopeia7 April 30 2014, 13:10:19 UTC
I hang onto hope that he actually really DOES get it.

You and me both.

And I LOVE the idea of an "I Met the Winchesters -- and Survived" support group. XD


counteragent May 1 2014, 14:10:39 UTC
I heard it somewhere suggested that Carver's early eps were perhaps ghostwritten by Carver's wife, given that Being Human improved a lot when she got added to its team.

I think this is an interesting theory. Obvs no evidence for it, though.


amberdreams April 30 2014, 13:33:35 UTC
As you know, I didn't get this either. Even the lore wasn't the same so why try and pretend this is in the same universe as SPN? Other than to try and cash in on SPN's unanticipated success and longevity.

Yeah, I can't really believe the Carver we have now is the same Carver who gave us Mystery Spot and A Very SPN Christmas.


ash48 April 30 2014, 14:48:11 UTC
Yeah. It's so weird. I've just been on twitter (tweeting away!) and the feeling is one of being cheated and a bit used. And insta!audience. I'm sure the show has some merit in a different universe. I thought spin offs had to at least have characters from the original show.

The more I think about it the more I think this was a bad (marketing) move.


novakev April 30 2014, 16:41:43 UTC
You're right, it's not a spinoff, just a new show hoping for some of Supernatural's audience.

It might appeal to the younger crowd. My daughter loved it, though at first she didn't realise it was Supernatural because the feel was all wrong.

I went in with extremely low expectations so I almost enjoyed it, though I won't be watching the show.

As a spinoff, my vote would be for Bobby and Rufus!


ash48 April 30 2014, 22:44:11 UTC
Yes. It's made me feel a little used. Perhaps a warning from TPTB that it was completely different might have been good. Or even airing it earlier in the season so it doesn't come at a time when we are all desperate to know what happening at the moment (well, some of us. I know not all are liking this season).

Bobby and Rufus!!! yay!


sam_dean_lover April 30 2014, 17:01:06 UTC
hi, i watched something else yesterday but did read reactions of the ep on spoilertv, some people liked it, some thought it was awful. 9x21's promo looks good


ash48 April 30 2014, 22:45:07 UTC
I'm sure there will some who it will appeal to. :)

*sit on hands* I'm going to stay spoiler free for the next 3 eps. Well, try to...


alienat April 30 2014, 20:17:51 UTC
I agree with you, this new show doesn't have anything to do with SPN, except that it's apparently set in the same universe.

The feel of this episode was so off, way too cheesy and clichéd.

I won't be watching. I'm so sick and tired of the 'same-formular-shows'. Throw in some overly beautiful actors, with a forbidden romance, that of course is/was doomed but they still love each other so much. *rolls eyes* Then the bitch who wants to ruin everything and the human who has to work with the so called monster so they can save the world. Urgh. :( So overdone, really.

Besides, how can Sam and Dean have been hunting for years and nobody, not them not any other hunter, ever picked up on five monster families ruling the Chicago underground? Yeah, sorry, but that's just stupid and totally unbelievable.

As you can tell I'm not amused. LOL Not that I care too much about the current plot on SPN, but I at least want to see Sam and Dean on my TV when the series is called SPN. ;)


ash48 May 1 2014, 13:28:01 UTC
*nods* I have to assume this will appeal to some but it will need to be a lot edgier for it to appeal to me. Maybe they have an interesting plan ahead and I'd be curious to see if they do. From that episode it didn't exactly grab me.

how can Sam and Dean have been hunting for years and nobody, not them not any other hunter, ever picked up on five monster families ruling the Chicago underground?

I think we have to hand wave that. It makes no sense at all, but I don't think it's meant to. Though, it would be really interesting if they do address that if the show takes off. What would might have been interesting is if they had some how incorporated the SPN world that we know with this one. If one of the monsters mentioned John, or Sam and Dean. Saying how they've kept off their radar until now...(or something).

Annway. I think it helped me appreciate what we DO have (even though it's a challenge at the moment...;D)


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