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Comments 52

nearmiss76 May 1 2014, 07:58:13 UTC
I already suspected that I wouldn't like this one, from what I'd read about it... I like my shows sans a romance aspect, and the whole thing sounded like something I'd seen many times before and didn't like the first time.

I guess I'll just be skipping this one.


ash48 May 1 2014, 13:46:21 UTC
Hi there. :)

Yeah, there's a heavy romance aspect - which might appeal to some, but it's not my cup of tea.

I did like the S&D moments though - I always like outsider POVs of the boys. Even though it makes them look a lot older and world weary.


zebra363 May 1 2014, 10:09:12 UTC
This post isn't showing up on my flist for some reason, and judging by the much lower than usual number of comments I wonder if other people are also having that problem.

I didn't mind the episode since I like the idea of underground monster societies, though of course I would have liked more Sam and Dean. The thing that bothered me was the older brother shapeshifter warning off the vampire girl. I wish the show wouldn't constantly ram home the "look after my little brother" theme! Do any real grown men go around saying they have to look after their 20-something little brother?


ash48 May 1 2014, 13:54:02 UTC
This post isn't showing up on my flist for some reason, and judging by the much lower than usual number of comments I wonder if other people are also having that problem.

Hi. Yes, Ellie (below) mentioned it also. I wonder what that was about. (I thought no one was saying much because they either hadn't watched it, didn't care or that I didn't actually have much to say.

Strangely, I didn't mind there not being much S&D (I knew there wouldn't be when I knew it was a pilot) but I was really disappointed that it looked and felt nothing like the SPN 'verse or was in any way connected to it. I suppose I don't mmd the monster family idea - but I would liked it to have been a little less cliched and a bit edgier. I think it could find an audience - but I can't see me being one of them.

Do any real grown men go around saying they have to look after their 20-something little brother?I can't imagine it! I never refer to my brother as my "little brother" (though I do have a sister I am close to and sometimes call her "little sis" - and ( ... )


ash48 May 1 2014, 13:59:57 UTC
Hey..if you're around at the moment...did my latest post appear? Curious about that now...


zebra363 May 1 2014, 14:04:49 UTC
Yes, I can see the new one. Strange...


el1ie May 1 2014, 12:45:17 UTC
**hangs head ( ... )


ash48 May 1 2014, 14:27:39 UTC
A whole day and a half as passed and I'm not entirely moved to find the time today either - that's bad news for me.

It's not SPN so that's ok. ;) I mean..it's really nothing like SPN. I had to watch it for the boys brief appearances (and I was curious) but it's totally skippable. I fast forwarded through the romantic (and boring) bits. I did like the S&D bits. :)

WTF ever happened to building tension and excitement? Just 3 episodes to the finale,

Yes! This. The timing is really weird. Earlier on we might have been less...um...miffed by how irrelevant it is to the current stories (and it doesn't help that the brothers are so at odds either).

they had all these story threads at the beginning of the season and yet they've done nothing with them,

*cries* I can only hope the last 3 eps will be epic.

It's a bloody tragedy and a waste of such layered characters and talented actors who are starting to give off the vibe they're done with this shit.

Yeah, I'm getting that vibe too. And I don't want that to be the case...*sob*

... )


el1ie May 2 2014, 11:44:26 UTC
Well, I watched it, all of it, I can't complain about it if I haven't actually seen it.

My opinion? Load of utter bullshit, neither interesting in it's own merits or fitted in with anything we've already learnt. I didn't get why Sam and Dean didn't know about all these families which by their wealth and position in the city were generations old and why none of them had heard about the Winchesters and the thwarting of the apocalypse! Stupid as this was putting so much new information into a 9 year old show.

Thing is though, for as different as it was, they were still throwing the classic SPN hammers at it and honestly it made me laugh several times, places where I shouldn't be laughing either. There was the immortal line "You ran away to be a lawyer *cough* human!" Could they be more obvious? They couldn't possible have launched this as a new show because they would have been sued for copyright! No wonder they can't write for our show they haven't got an original idea between them ( ... )


ash48 May 2 2014, 12:01:53 UTC
Well, I watched it, all of it, I can't complain about it if I haven't actually seen it.

Haha..true! Glad you watched it though. Seeing is believing.

And yes yes to ALL that. It really did tick all those SPN boxes (and maybe that's how they can get away with making the connection...).

And yes...the guy in the end was a human and our "hero" buckled to revenge very quickly indeed.

I'm actually wondering how much Carver had to do with this (other than giving the approval for them to launch the backdoor pilot during the season). At first I thought he was the creator but I figure it might be Dabb (and even Kripke). He's down as the creator on IMBD. Just wasn't sure if that means for SPN or this one as well. I'll be disappointed if Kripke had a hand it in. And even more cheated.

It did mean that SPN fans had something to come together on - rather than fighting each other. So, um..there's something positive there. Oh, and Sam's hair of course. :)


galwithglasses May 1 2014, 14:10:48 UTC
I don't think I'm going to bother with this one. Is this CW's response to Teen Wolf? I haven't seen that or Vampire Diaries so I don't know. I'm having enough trouble just hanging on to my enthusiasm for SPN and I'm already so hacked off about canon and discontinuity that I think I'd probably have a stroke. I am realizing I'm taking this all way too seriously and need to go have some chocolate and chill out. Maybe a pint or two of chocolate chip ice cream........


ash48 May 1 2014, 14:34:04 UTC
Is this CW's response to Teen Wolf?

Hee...this makes TW look positively deep! I like TW because it is at least a little edgy (and it have Dylan O'Brien who I kinda love a bit...;D). It's more like Dallas with fangs and fur and ...er...shapeshifting abilities.

Maybe a pint or two of chocolate chip ice cream........

Sound like a plan!! I want to be less serious but... damn it! I can't. The next 3 eps are gong to kill me. I am expect SO MUCH! I want it to cure all of S9 (and S8!).



ayane42 May 1 2014, 15:34:19 UTC
yeah "bloodlines' is the first spn episode that i struggled to watch. i found it confusing and boring, sigh ( ... )


ash48 May 2 2014, 10:20:50 UTC
I admit I fast forwarded through some of it because I just wasn't that interested. I'd say it's a first for Supernatural but as it wasn't actually Supernatural I don't feel like I cheated on my show..;)

Sam's hair!!! \o/

I believe there is a convention. It will be interesting to see if anyone does ask any questions about the new series (though I suspect the boys will know little about it. They essentially guest starred in another show).

Carver is saying that the boy's relationship is changing and maturing,

His idea of maturing is interesting. He seems to think that being jealous or disappointed or doing something hurtful to the other is somehow mature. I get that their codependency is probably an "issue" but it's also what makes their story so compelling.

I am looking forward to the next 3 eps - even though I am terrified at the same time!


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