TV stuff

Jan 06, 2014 07:35

Still haven't watched Spartacus yet? Still trying to make up your mind whether to give it a go?

destina has written up some brilliant and spot-on reasons why this show is made of complete and utter win! Go read even if it's not a show that interests you. It explains why people do love it ( Read more... )

spartacus, sherlock, tv

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Comments 13

tebtosca January 5 2014, 23:47:56 UTC
DO IT. Spartacus is so freaking good once you get past the first 4 episodes or so (those are the weakest, IMO). And the series finale left me feeling utterly satisfied, which you can't say for many shows.


ash48 January 6 2014, 00:10:47 UTC
Yes yes. Those first few episodes are not as good as the rest of the series and I think it takes that long to get into the "groove" of the show. The storytelling, the dialogue and the visuals are very different to what we normally get so there's a bit of adjusting to do (which is another reason why I love it so much).

And the series finale left me feeling utterly satisfied, which you can't say for many shows.

Utterly satisfying. I kept dreading the finale (knowing what's going to happen) but boy it delivered. I really miss not having new episodes to watch. It was the highlight of my TV watching week. :)


katwoman76 January 6 2014, 18:28:34 UTC
The finale was great.
Loved how they gave everyone from all seasons a moment again and how everyone still there at the time got their own story to finish.


katwoman76 January 6 2014, 00:20:34 UTC
Elementary might play in the US, but Sherlock is still British, just like Jonny Lee Miller who plays him (even though Jane Watson isn't)


ash48 January 6 2014, 00:36:31 UTC
Oh he's british in the Show? Ha…I didn't know that.


katwoman76 January 6 2014, 00:40:29 UTC
Yes, he is. And also worked with Scotland Yard.
Just now relocated to New York.
Maybe that helps with the hubbie ;)


ash48 January 6 2014, 01:12:47 UTC
Ah yes, that indeed might help! :D


missyjack January 6 2014, 00:46:49 UTC
Elementary is brilliant, and one of my fav shows atm. Have you watched Justified? tahts returning soon and is worth it for the sheer poetry of the language alone. Some people also watch for Timothy Oliphant in tight jeans.


ash48 January 6 2014, 01:14:27 UTC
Elementary is brilliant, and one of my fav shows atm.

And this is why I want to watch it!

I have watched some Justified and I really liked it. Really just got to get my act together and gather some more eps..;)


missyjack January 6 2014, 01:24:38 UTC
And of course Spartacus is so brilliant. I did a whole rewatch over winter and will do it again once i shell out and get the blurays.


de23 January 6 2014, 02:07:34 UTC
I'll also rec Elementary. A lot of adaptations (including Sherlock) bring the stories into a contemporary setting, but Elementary brings the characters up to date, and do it wonderfully, IMHO. I've been a Sherlockian since 7th grade, and I think they do a good job of keeping the hearts of the characters in a whole new way.

I've been watching Sleepy Hollow, too, and it's not a great show, but it's very enjoyable in its own kooky way.


ash48 January 9 2014, 01:24:33 UTC
That's a good rec! I definitely want to give it a go (and convince hubby to do the same…;D)

I should try Sleepy Hollow again. I did like the characters. :)


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 January 9 2014, 01:27:24 UTC
It was a shame that they had to replace actors - I'm sure it's something they didn't want to have to do either. The first actor was awesome and I was worried about the change but I grew to love the new guy also.

Matt Bomer is so damn gorgeous. He should be illegal! I love the the connection all the characters with each other.

I KNOW I have to find time for Elementary. Everyone seems to love it.

And I love Robin Williams also. I'll take a look at Crazy Ones. Thanks! :)


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