TV stuff

Jan 06, 2014 07:35

Still haven't watched Spartacus yet? Still trying to make up your mind whether to give it a go?

destina has written up some brilliant and spot-on reasons why this show is made of complete and utter win! Go read even if it's not a show that interests you. It explains why people do love it. :)

Speaking of win. Great to see Sherlock back. I thoroughly enjoyed The Empty Hearse. Looking forward to the next episode (which I'll see today! woot!)

Other shows:

I've been enjoying Haven, White Collar and Arrow. Looking forward to Orphan Black returning (I assume it's returning).

Sadly lost interest in The Tomorrow People (not nearly enough interesting stories and the characters where just too - er - bland. Even Mark couldn't salvage it for me). I enjoyed Sleepy Hollow but was slowly losing interest the more I saw - though I'd like to give it another go.

I've been wanting to try Elementary (you all are raving about it) but just haven't found the time (and as it's a show my (English) hubby refuses to watch purely on the fact that it's an American Sherlock finding additional "alone" watching TV time is tricky).

spartacus, sherlock, tv

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