Top 10 Moments from S9 (so far) Pic/Gif Spam

Jan 07, 2014 23:03

In preparation for Show returning next week I thought I would reflect on some of my favourite moments from season 9 so far. :D

10. Dean talking about sex (9.08 Rock and a Hard Place)

This piece of dialogue gets me every time I listen to it. *guh* I also love that we get a moment of Dean talking about sex - we often see how considerate he is with his partners, it nice to have that backed up with dialogue. Also…his voice…<3

9. The Bunker

I love discovering new areas in the magical bunker - Sam's room, the computer room, the wonderful garage, the kitchen (adored Dean's "I just cleaned up in here"). I even like the hallways. :) The decor is gorgeous and I love how perfectly it suits the boys. I also love that they have a home. I know it removes some of their nomadic existence (and I LOVE it when they venture out and stay in a motel), but there's just something about them having their own place that makes me happy for them.

8. Dean's despair (9.09 Holy Terror)

It's probably a weird favourite moment but I was longing to see Dean finally realise the extent of what he's done. This was only ever going to end badly (and Dean knew it. He even said it before the trials "We both know where this ends; one of us dies. Or worse). Looks like the "or worse" happened. I really felt Dean's depth of realisation and despair (whether this will be followed up with a deeper understanding on Dean's part - especially in relation to the effect this will have on Sam, is yet to be seen. I remain hopeful that this will be explored).

7. Wee!Dean's face when he see's Sammy in the car (9.07 Bad Boys).

Such great casting. This young actor knocked it out of the ballpark playing Dean. This gorgeous moment made my heart sing. The absolute delight that Dean feels when he sees Sam….*happy sigh*

6. The women

Abaddon, Charlie, Jody and Dorothy <3333 I am loving these female characters this season. I know we've only had a little bit of Dorothy but I did like her a lot (particularly in partnership with Charlie). I really hope we get to see more of them. Abaddon is deliciously evil and Jody is, well, Jody owns the part of my heart Sam and Dean haven't taken up (there is a little bit spare for other characters *g*)

5. Bro touching (9.05 Dog Dean Afternoon)

Always love me some bro touching. It's usually done in comfort, worry, protectiveness or relief so it always comes with strong emotion. I thought the first half of S9 had some great broments - some great SamnDeanness. :D

4. Jared's performance

I really feel like Jared has enjoyed playing the dual roles this season. There's just something about his on screen presence that was missing from the first half of S8. I've enjoyed seeing him change from Sam to Zeke/Gad. I like the way he utilises his full height when becoming Zeke/Gadreel. It emphasises how he uses his body in his characterisation of Sam (more stooped and less confident).

3. Fetch! (9.05 Dog Dean Afternoon)

FUNNIEST MOMENT EVER! (well, maybe after the "If there's a key, then there has to be a lock.") I laughed (and probably clapped!) out loud. The comic timing was spot on.

2. Sam with angel wings (9.02 Devil May Care).

I literally gasped when this moment happened. I didn't expect it at all and it blew me away. I love how the wings are wrecked with feathers falling out when they open up. A great visual moment.

1. Dean allowing an angel to possess Sam in order to heal him from the trials without his knowledge or consent.

I know this is highly controversial and where it's one of my favourite things this season I know it's many fans worse thing. Personally I think it's a rather genius move (*ducks tomatoes*). It's utterly and completely fraught with wrongness but it creates a horror and levels of angst that I think this show is known for. It's created lengthy debates and fabulous fan works. It's also created an overarching story that should see them through until the end of the season. It's intense and powerful in its underlying issues. It cuts to the core of what this relationship is about. I love that Show can do that after 9 years.

This comes with a disclaimer though. We are only half way through and this will only remain a favourite thing if it's handled well over the remainder of the season.

Which brings me to runedgirl's question "What are you most looking forward to when SPN returns in a few weeks?"

The first answer that springs to mind is - seeing the boys again! I think the thing I miss most over the hiatuses is not seeing Sam and Dean on my screen each week.

But aside from that…

I am looking forward to seeing where they take the story and how they resolve (or address) the fallout of Dean's decision and the effect it will have on both of them. I still remain cautiously optimistic that this will play out satisfactorily. The thing that I struggle with is what would I consider "satisfactorily"? I don't have a "must to it this way or I'll hate show forever", instead there are things that I am hoping they don't do. Namely; dismiss it, have Sam be totally ok with it (or worse, apologise…for something he feels he should apologise for) or have Dean not fully realise what he's done and why. I don't want them to just move on for the sake of having to tell MoTW stories. I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't some sort of fallout over it (why provide the perfect source of angst and not do something with it), but the way they play it out will be very important and I sincerely hope they do something awesome with it *holds breath*.

I am also looking forward to seeing some returning characters, watching some great MoTW stories, seeing Sam and Dean wash the Impala (come on! It's gotta happen one day!), seeing who the spin off character will be and hopefully seeing some great broments as they come to terms with what's happened to them this year.

I also look forward to angsting and chatting all about it!

s9 musings, picspam, gifspam

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