Top 10 Moments from S9 (so far) Pic/Gif Spam

Jan 07, 2014 23:03

In preparation for Show returning next week I thought I would reflect on some of my favourite moments from season 9 so far. :D

Starting from 10 )

s9 musings, picspam, gifspam

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Comments 47

counteragent January 7 2014, 15:17:08 UTC
Yup! I lvoe all your favorite things!

Although I would add that I want to see Sam be an active participant in solving the problem, not just having Dean save him again.


ash48 January 7 2014, 15:30:23 UTC
Oh yes yes. PLEASE YES! I felt like I would write a heap of things that I would actually like to see (including some protective!Sam that I'm rather desperate to see after that glorious art work by chomaisky) but I'm so worried that I won't see anything that I'd love to see that it's easier to say what I hope not to see (and seeing Sam as a passive observer/victim who needs Dean to rescue/save him is definitely on my hope not to see (again) list.

I have no idea if that makes any sense…(I'm blaming the lateness of the hour…)



counteragent January 7 2014, 15:35:20 UTC
Like, I'd rather see a "Sam for real goes evil" arc than a "Dean saves Sam while Sam is literally not present" arc. I'd rather an agentic but unsympathetic Sam than the reverse.

chomaisky's drawing is giving me LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE right now. Seriously it's so freaking perfect I want to cry.


ash48 January 7 2014, 15:40:05 UTC
*NODS* It's been haunting me and has made me realise I desperately I'd love to see Sam take control (and look after Dean...). You know I'm a fan of hurt!Sam, but I think our poor boy has been hurt enough. I'd love to see how fiercely protective he can be as well.


amberdreams January 7 2014, 15:44:38 UTC
I agree about Sam's possession - and that the follow up/resolution they choose now is SO important (please Show, don't cock it up!). The only thing I'd add about this season so far is equally balanced on the likes and dislikes - our Kev. I know some folk thought his story had run its course but I didn't, I was enjoying having him around as a kind of little brother's little bro, and while I might not have wanted Kevin in every episode I'd have been more than happy for them to use him some more. That Kevin frickin' Solo moment was so much fun.


ash48 January 7 2014, 15:54:40 UTC
Oh yeah, Kevin had really found a way into our hearts - which of course meant he had to be killed off…:( I think they set him up as the little bro to them both just to heighten the impact of his death (bastards!).

That Kevin frickin' Solo moment was so much fun.

It was and I suppose it's good that they did give him some great moments before his death. Though, knowing this show we'll probably see him again in some future episodes.


amberdreams January 7 2014, 16:43:01 UTC
I hope so - I feel Osric deserves a lot of credit for how Kevin became so awesome, and would love to see him get back on the show in addition to getting something out of the convention circuit, bless him.


tebtosca January 7 2014, 15:46:07 UTC
Your favorite thing is what made me stop recapping after 4 years, so you know how opposite we are on this haha

I loved the bb!Dean moment when he saw Sam. I'm glad that he played it as a "seeing Sam makes me happy" moment vs. a "oh well, gotta go back to Sam" kind of resignation thing.


tebtosca January 7 2014, 15:49:42 UTC
Oh and I love you all but anyone that thinks they are going to handle Sam's aftermath well is fooling themselves. This is Jeremy "Fuck You" Carver we are talking about lol

Your optimism is delightful though *kisses your nose*


ash48 January 7 2014, 15:59:50 UTC
hahaha…yep! I can still be optimistic because the season isn't over yet! I mean, I am nervous about what they are going to do and I am pretty certain it won't live up to my (trying not to have) expectations, but before then I can be hopeful.

Your favorite thing is what made me stop recapping after 4 years, so you know how opposite we are on this haha

Yeah I know (and I was thinking about you when I put in the bit about "others worst moment"). It might become my worst moment if they screw up the next part. ;/

Oooh, and I love nose kisses. <3


chomaisky January 7 2014, 16:43:44 UTC
I especially like your comment on 8. Dean's despair (9.09 Holy Terror). Jared' s performance this season is stunning! The full height vs. stoop contrast you mentioned is very to the point! Dog Dean gave me the mirth that I hadn't felt in seasons... Sam with wings impresses me most, though it's not Sam there.
I'm so with you guys on the expectations for future episodes. All I want is Sam does some epic ass-kicking. That's not too much to ask, right?
And thank you guys for giving me such a bliss after my tiring train ride. I'm looking forward to your beautiful fanworks!


ash48 January 7 2014, 23:57:16 UTC
All I want is Sam does some epic ass-kicking. That's not too much to ask, right?

It's not too much to ask!! It isn't! Sam is capable and Dean needs to see that Sam is capable. Dean just has to let him!


caranfindel January 7 2014, 16:44:01 UTC
I love all your moments but #10 needs to be higher (because guh) and you need to squeeze Kevin Freaking Solo in there somewhere. And yes, I desperately hope Sam is involved in saving his own ass and no, I don't expect it to happen.


ash48 January 8 2014, 00:03:19 UTC
Ha! Yes…#10 probably does need to be higher up! :D

And I think if I had an #11 it would be the Kevin Friggin' Solo moment. Kevin really did shine this season…

I desperately hope Sam is involved in saving his own ass and no, I don't expect it to happen.

I don't either. Sam is capable of so much and yet being able (or allowed!) to save himself seems beyond him at the moment. Let's hope they are going to explore that at least.


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