Motels and Accommodations Season 6 (Part Two)

Mar 13, 2013 22:11

Go to Part One

But You Can Never Leave

Motels and Accommodations of Supernatural - Season 6

Part Two

Season 6 Motels - Part Two )

picspam, motels

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Comments 32

novakev March 13 2013, 23:48:53 UTC
I love these posts. You do such a wonderful job collecting and cross-referencing, and I adore it!


ash48 March 14 2013, 10:26:01 UTC
Thank you! I gotta say I enjoy the cross referencing. I kinda get a buz out of finding stuff that has been used before. :)


borgmama1of5 March 14 2013, 00:14:48 UTC
You are amazing!


ash48 March 14 2013, 10:26:20 UTC
Hee....thank you. :))


zebra363 March 14 2013, 02:38:57 UTC
For those who like to get a REALLY good look at the details in a motel I've added this shot. Here we can see the blinds, the brick wall, the bed (with a book on it - Sam has been reading) and what looks like a "no smoking" sign on the cabinet. Not much else to look at really. Oh - there's the TV, I suppose that might be interesting. Yeah...that's about it.

Really kind of a waste of space, that shot! I couldn't even see the TV clearly since something was blocking my view.

As in Good God Y'All (5.02), the boys don't seem to have a room or an actual place to sleep at Bobby's.

And in 4.02 Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester, in which Sam sleeps on the sofa and Dean on the floor.

Excellent post. I think your commentary has got even more interesting as your motel series has gone along!


ash48 March 14 2013, 10:28:24 UTC
I couldn't even see the TV clearly since something was blocking my view.

Yeah. They insist of putting these actor people in front of those amazing sets. ;)

I think your commentary has got even more interesting as your motel series has gone along!

Oh thank you. That's encouraging. I decided to have a little more fun this time around. :))


elsewhere91 March 14 2013, 13:33:00 UTC
This is so Awesome!


ash48 March 16 2013, 08:05:33 UTC
Thank you! :)


hugemind March 14 2013, 20:24:05 UTC
This is really, seriously awesome. \o/

The design team must have a blast putting the motel rooms together. :D And the murals especially look cool.

A funny little sidenote about the 6 Pines Motel. In Finnish, both "6" and the kind of pine that is pictured in the divider are both spelled as "kuusi". :)


ash48 March 16 2013, 08:05:14 UTC
Thank you!

And what a cool thing about the number 6. Hmmm...I wonder if someone on the design team knew that...


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