I have the urge to talk SPN!

Jan 03, 2013 20:54

It feels like ages since I've posted anything SPN related and I'm having withdrawals. Here's a mix bag of stuff!

Let's start with the CW promo for their up coming show returns: (non spoilery for SPN - not sure about all the others but I think it's all past footage).

image Click to view

It's worth it for the the last 2 seconds. ;) (and for the Arrow bits ( Read more... )

stuff, s8 musings

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Comments 27

galathea_snb January 3 2013, 13:26:14 UTC
I hear you about the love triangle. *groans* The writers seem intent on making Sam's storyline this season into a soap drama. For the life of me I cannot understand what the writers see in this storyline. There are sooooo many interesting ways to explore the Amelia/Sam relationship, there have been really promising tidbits in the earlier episodes - two damaged people trying to find a way to deal and building a life together was solid storyline IMO - but ever since Don's return all that promise has been snuffed out.

the Menace of Crowley - The Demon Who Can't Just Kill the Winchesters Once and for All.ROFL sadly that is oh so true. Crowley as the Big Bad is just not working.


ash48 January 3 2013, 14:20:00 UTC
And luckily it sounds like we've had the "triangle"! Ha! *phew*

And I agree - I think there could be potential to build a satisfying story line with Sam and Amelia - I just wish I felt something for them. I just need to care and then possible choices Sam has to make would have some investment for me. We'll see - soon! :D

I'm hoping they have something interesting up their sleeves for Crowley. I just don't get the feeling he's a real threat.


galathea_snb January 3 2013, 14:34:57 UTC
Yeah, I am glad what we've seen so far is all there is to the 'triangle'. Still, all that business with Amelia trying to force Sam to make a choice, again, makes no sense either. We all know that Sam won't choose to stay with Amelia, but if he chooses to stay with Dean on the road, what exactly did the whole storyline achieve?? Nothing! Sam is right back where he already was these last couple of seasons - choosing Dean and hunting over a normal life, just like he did in The French Mistake or The Man Who Knew Too Much. So dragging up all the normal versus hunting debate at the beginning of the season was pretty much pointless and conflict for the sake of conflict. It didn't actually add any new angles to the theme.


ash48 January 3 2013, 14:41:43 UTC
Yeah - and unless there's a new spin on all that then I think it will feel like it's all be for nothing. Either way the choice is a non starter. (Maybe the spoiler IS a foiler as missyjack suggests below. It seems like a "major" reveal if it is true - so maybe it is there just to get us talking?)

Give me positive foilers any day though...


missyjack January 3 2013, 13:53:41 UTC
The "love triangle"spoiler actually related to what we saw in ep 8.09, not to future eps.


ash48 January 3 2013, 14:09:12 UTC
Oh really?! But...wha..? THAT was the love triangle?! Ha! Ok...I stand corrected. If that was the love triangle then THAT'S COOL!


missyjack January 3 2013, 14:28:43 UTC
Spoilers are often written in order to provoke a reaction and make people talk about the show and obviously to watch it ie as advertising.

Over the years, the show has got better at keeping real plot developments a secret, so spoilers, or more accurately foilers, are often based on minor plot elements. They satisfy our need to know stuff, generate discussion, and keep the juicy stuff hidden.

As always - caveat lector.


ash48 January 3 2013, 14:38:14 UTC
Yeah - I try to keep that in mind. I know that there will be more to the story and I try (TRY!) to stay calm. I find it really hard to believe that they'd think we'd be glued to our sets over a love story so I know there's more, much more, to come yet (yay!)

The spoilers coming into S8 have been pretty accurate so far though. Sam really didn't look for Dean. And their gap year has been told in a series of flashbacks. I think (hope) perception is still in play and we get some fun twists on that.



maenad January 3 2013, 14:16:39 UTC
I'm trying to be hopeful about the spoilers. Maybe it's irrational, but I am. Because that second one? It does not make sense. Sam looks in on Amelia and Don, apparently back together ... And then she tells Sam that they can get back together as long as he comes back right now? Does. Not. Compute.

So that's my best hope that there's actually something interesting going on beneath the surface. It's one more item in a long line of things in Sam's story that just do not add up.

But even if there is something, they're not giving any hint of it in previews and such. Which suggests that they do think this 'love triangle' business is at least superficially interesting. And that I do not comprehend. I'm watching a show about people who drive around with a boot full of guns and kill monsters. What on earth makes them think I'd care about a love triangle?

Worst case scenario: the 'twist' is that Don was just visiting in a friendly way, and Amelia is completely free to cause Sam relationship angst. Ugh. There. Now I feel I'm prepared. :)


ash48 January 3 2013, 14:32:25 UTC
Yeah - just does not compute because when have they even given us something to invest in in Sam's love story? If they think that this will create tension for the viewer I just don't get it. We already know Sam has to chose Dean otherwise there wouldn't be a show. Even if we have all the angst and whatnot it will be for nothing - we know what the answer will be. (and if he actually does choose Amelia then....I just can't even go there. Other than to say we will know for SURE something really weird is going on).

And having Amelia make some sort of ultimatum to Sam will only irk fans off even more about her character (for those who are actually irked off that is.). Makes no sense. Lisa making that kind of threat would have had more of an impact because we could see how much that would hurt Dean (and we did after The Truth episode).

I am prepared too! If I imagine the worse then maybe I can be happily surprised. (I think that's why I actually didn't mind Bitten. I was prepared!)


galathea_snb January 3 2013, 15:00:07 UTC
Sam looks in on Amelia and Don, apparently back together ... And then she tells Sam that they can get back together as long as he comes back right now? Does. Not. Compute.I know, right? I am kind of baffled about this as well. Amelia and Don look perfectly happy together, so her suggestion makes little sense. And even if it would turn out that it's not all as it appears between her and Don, this kind of ultimatum just makes her look really callous ( ... )


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ash48 January 4 2013, 12:57:38 UTC

And I agree - if it means Sam has to think the decision through and make a choice (to stay with Dean!) then maybe Dean will also see that Sam wants to be with him. (though I think Sam has made it pretty evident he wants to be with him from the beginning of S8).

We'll see!


alienat January 3 2013, 15:51:47 UTC
First off: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! May it be filled love and happiness, and my all your dreams come true. *huggles*

I didn't read the spoilers, but I can tell you that I'm with you on the torn feelings inside of me waiting for the new episode. I want it to be good, I really want to, but then I'm trying not to feel to excited so I won't be too disappointed when it isn't so good.

Oh beach that sounds awesome. Here it's raining and 10°C. *shivers*


ash48 January 4 2013, 13:00:35 UTC
Happy New year!! YOU TOO!

Yeah - I'm preparing myself to be disappointed in the hope that I won't be! ;)

The beach was wonderful. I actually went into the sea - which is unusual for me. But the water was crystal clear and warm so I couldn't resist. :)


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