I have the urge to talk SPN!

Jan 03, 2013 20:54

It feels like ages since I've posted anything SPN related and I'm having withdrawals. Here's a mix bag of stuff!

Let's start with the CW promo for their up coming show returns: (non spoilery for SPN - not sure about all the others but I think it's all past footage).

image Click to view

It's worth it for the the last 2 seconds. ;) (and for the Arrow bits...)

I like the upbeat nature of this promo and even though SPN doesn't feature much the bits they do feature give me hope. I know this isn't made by Carver & co but at least the promoters get what it is about SPN that makes us love it.

I look forward to Show's return with both excitement and (massive) trepidation.

I have this major moan written up about a couple of spoilers I've read. I keep stopping myself from posting because it's just complaining. The episodes haven't happened yet so I shall keep myself in check until they play out. My spirits over the show have lifted over the past few weeks and I really want them to stay that way. I've buried myself in fun fandom stuff and it's reminded my why I don't want to be at odds with the direction the show is taking this season.

That said, I also what to be free to air my concerns. This isn't "dissing" the show or putting it down (I will always love it!), it's about saying....NOOOOOOOO! Don't do that!!!

I decided to read spoilers leading into the next few eps so I could be prepared for what's ahead and save myself the intense reaction I suffered after the last episode. I think instead it fast tracked my concerns, so maybe that wasn't such a good thing.

Quite simply the two things that have me a tad worried:

1. There will be a love triangle between Sam, Don and Amelia (source: eonline question and answer)
2. Sam has to be make a choice to stay with Amelia or leave and never speak to her again (source: Tvfanactic)

I had a major rant typed up about these but I'm going to cut it down to:

1. Oh yipee!! I can't wait to watch the battle over Amelia. Will it come to blows?! Will poor Sam ever have the chance to show Amelia how much he truly loves her (because we haven't actually seen that yet). Will she announce she's pregnant to his child?! What on earth will happen?!?! Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnnn (maybe it's a demon!baby...but no... That will mean there's a supernatural element to the story). Grabs the tub of ice-cream because it's gonna be a heart breaker. Don you cad - you can't have Amelia! (EDIT!! see comment below! Apparently this was for 8.09! If that's the case then I approve of that love triangle because THAT's how you do a love triangle on a genre show...QUICK!)

2. OH NOES!! A choice! *bites nails* What will Sam's decision be when Amelia asks him to make a choice between her or his brother? Dun Dun....Duuuu.....BUT IT'S SO OBVIOUS! Of course he'll choose her! He's so DESPERATE for a normal life. Look how much he loved it! He can't wait to have spaghetti and hotdogs again and share a dinner with his soon to be father-in-law. It's a no brainer! GO for it Sam! We can see how much she means to you!! \o/

In other news there will probably be some episodes that don't deal with the Love Interests of Samuel Winchester. Though I suppose they'll deal with The Misadventures of Kevin Tran and His Mom or, The Love Quadrangle of Dean, Benny, Cas and Sam or, the Menace of Crowley - The Demon Who Can't Just Kill the Winchesters Once and for All.

We shall see!!

My copy of The Essential Supernatural book arrived today and WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's super awesome! There are pull out maps and stickers and postcards and awesome pictures and EVERYTHING!! LOVES!

On the RL front a spent a few days by the beach with a group of friends over New Years and it was awesome. I haven't done something like that in years. And I'm off to Sydney (again! \o/) next week. Aaaahhhh holidays. How much I love you.

stuff, s8 musings

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