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Comments 31

riotgrrlhotel April 28 2012, 09:09:59 UTC
I loved the way they loopholed the 'fangirl reaction to females' by making Charlie gay. Actually I think a gay female character could really work, although it's probably a little late in the show's life by now.


ash48 April 28 2012, 10:19:28 UTC
Yes... I think Show may have figured it out. ;D Though overall I've been seeing a more positive reaction to female characters on the show (well, ones that aren't Becky..). Or maybe Show is finally giving us well written, interesting women...


maichan April 28 2012, 10:01:54 UTC
It really did have a different feel to it. Even my husband (who normally tunes out) noted that he enjoyed tonight's episode.


ash48 April 28 2012, 10:22:17 UTC
Hee... I actually said to my hubby - you might actually enjoy this one - still wasn't tempted.

Ooh and thanks for the kittie postcard...<3


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 April 28 2012, 10:29:32 UTC
Hey hun.

So wasn't just me getting the Leverage feel? It sure did feel little different from the usual eps.

There were some great funny moments. I'm wondering if we're getting this "break" from the angst in preparation for what's to come. Or maybe this is a new direction...




mithborien April 28 2012, 10:34:17 UTC
I just finished watching it!!!!!! But yes, now that you mention it, it did have a very Leverage feel.

Sam geeking out with Harry Potter references was adorable.


ash48 April 28 2012, 14:01:16 UTC
It had some pretty damn adorable moments!

Charlie sneaking in reminded me of Parker doing her thing... :)



runedgirl April 28 2012, 15:00:43 UTC
I've seen quite a few people reference the 'Leverage' feel to this ep, and I agree, it did seem almost like a different show, but in a refreshing way, not a bad one. They created an original character who was so fully rendered and well done that we all *cared* about her, and that made Dick Roman (who always creeps me out) even *more* terrifying. Add to that the pop culture references, Dean flirting with a dude by proxy, and the fond "Sammy" and "Baby" exclamations, and I'm a happy happy fangirl :)


ash48 April 29 2012, 02:21:09 UTC
I agree... refreshing, but not bad refreshing. :)

And YES... because we cared for Charlie it did make Dick even more menacing... *shivers*

Wonderfully rendered...

Very true. Yay for Charlie! :D


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