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Comments 31

fourtenpm April 28 2012, 16:14:00 UTC
You know what the general style of the episode reminds me of? Ocean's 11. (eta)Especially the split screen . I have to watch it again on properly big screen (not a phone), but it totally has an Ocean's 11 feel to me.


ash48 April 29 2012, 02:22:27 UTC
Oh yes. I would agree it had an Ocean 11 feel. I think they were clever in presenting it in a different format than usual.



maenad April 28 2012, 17:38:46 UTC
I don't know if anyone else felt it but it almost seemed like a slightly "different" show to me. I mean.. it was all there but because the format was quite different to their norm there was something rather refreshing and...um... other about it. If that makes any sense. /o\

Yes - I think so too. I think it was an interesting way of building the story around Charlie's perspective. I mean - she's a sci-fi/fantasy geek, but she's a computer expert. So her fantasies suit her to a Lord of the Rings style quest, but her skills suit her to a crime caper. They meet her halfway, with a horror story centring on defeating a Dark Lord and locating important 'quest' items - but with a change in tone and style that puts her hacking, deception and infiltration skills centre stage.

That whole scene filled me with JOY. Not least because we had a "Stop laughing SAMMY" thrown in. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Damn that was nice! Dean's "Sammys" are so full of fondness lately. I just love it. Love that Sam had his geeky Harry Potter moment and Dean his expert ( ... )


ash48 April 29 2012, 05:38:26 UTC
with a horror story centring on defeating a Dark Lord and locating important 'quest' items -

Oooh yes. Also like a game (apparently Felicia Day is a gamer as well) where gathering clues and infiltrating the "compound" is part of the overall quest. I like that... :)

And then I think 'Oh, no! They're going to make one of them explode!'

Ha! I know. I keep thinking they are deliberately trying to put us at "ease" and them wham! Something awful will happen. I mean... something awful will have to happen no doubt but maybe not to one of the boys this time.

And yes... good reasoning on why Sam and Dean are reacting the way they are to Bobby in this episode. I'm surprised they've reached that point so soon (Bobby turning potentially bad). I though they might have dragged that on for a bit. We'll see though. Dean said they'll deal with what's in the package first and then worry about Bobby...




bythedamned April 28 2012, 20:19:22 UTC
I feel that it's worth pointing out (you may already know this) that Charlie was played by Felicia Day, who was basically playing herself :) She's a self proclaimed geek girl who had a pretty Joss Whedon-heavy resume until she made her own online video series where she hung out with all her World of Warcraft friends. This character was so spot-on with her persona that I feel like it must have been written just for her. And that maybe Charlie would have come off as over-the-top fangirly and creepy if anyone else had played her. I feel like it was a really smart move to pull in a (somewhat underground) icon of the demographic they're trying to appeal to, letting her be herself, and then breaking the mold by not killing her. In fact, I was so in a 'of course she's awesome, she's felicia day' headspace, that I didn't even consider the idea that they'd kill her until the very end, and then I freaked! But luckily they didn't, and then she was self-assured enough to blow off the winchesters ( ... )


tiniowien April 28 2012, 23:47:25 UTC
I want to copy and paste the entirety of your first paragraph. XD I adore Felicia Day and was introduced to her via The Guild, so to have her here mixing with SPN was the ultimate geek moment. She was delightful.


bythedamned April 29 2012, 00:11:13 UTC
Yes! heh, so glad other people love her too :) she was spot-on awesome. I originally knew her from Dr. Horrible, and then had the requisite 'omg- Buffy- what?' moment. so to see her in this awesomely fandom-meta was just perfect :)


ash48 April 29 2012, 14:03:53 UTC
Thank you for the info on Felicia Day. I had no idea about her background and I think it's very cool that they used a well known persona for a character like this. She had a believability that shone through. I loved her and I think it shows that (hopefully!) know what kind of female characters appeal to us.

But luckily they didn't, and then she was self-assured enough to blow off the winchesters :)

Yes! Thank God they didn't kill her off. But I loved that because we KNOW Show kills of characters it added an element of tension during that break-in section. They played on that rather nicely.

i feel like the writers finally figured out the right kind of meta, that doesn't isolate half their fandom,

Thank HEAVENS! I mean.. when I see this I just think WHAT THE HELL were they thinking with Becky. I mean, I get that she could be a stalky, creepy character but for them to directly associate her with fans wasn't a great move.

very reminiscent of the window scene in the French Mistake :)
Oooh yes. You know, it looked familiar ( ... )


growyourwings April 28 2012, 23:23:49 UTC
I kept telling my mom (who I was watching with) that the episode reminded me of a Leverage episode. It was a great episode and I enjoyed it (especially Charlie), but it definitely felt like a different show.

Loved all the geek references.


Edit: Just adding that I love Felicia Day. I've been listening to her for years on my technology podcasts. I hope she starts talking about her experience on the show to her tech geek fanbase. :)


ash48 April 29 2012, 14:07:42 UTC
Oh you had the Leverage feel also? It was quite different wasn't it.

I've been listening to her for years on my technology podcasts.

Oh wow really? I have to confess I haven't heard of her (eek.. I feel like I'm not as geeky as I'd like to be..) so learning about her now has been interesting. I really enjoyed her performance and thrilled they gave us this character.

Hee.. a younger sister Dean never wanted...



colls April 29 2012, 00:11:34 UTC

Yes, there were scary parts (Leviathans) and angsty parts (Bobby) but there was Felicia Day and you really can't go wrong with her. :)

6. LOL - yeah - there were SO MANY. And then all the non-verbal ones at Charlie's desk and at her apartment. Jeez!

10. BABY! Oh I miss the Impala, I'm glad she's not been entirely forgotten.

I just watched the episode so I'm mostly just sitting here bouncing and fangirling over Felicia Day.


ash48 April 29 2012, 14:10:45 UTC
YES!! It did have ALL that! \o/

I loved all the non verbal pop culture references also. I actually took a screen cap to have a closer look at her work space. :D

IMPALA!! It's getting painful now. Surely we'll see her in or before the finale. PLEEEASSEE

I can get with the Felicia Day fangirling! \o/


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