Mixed bag...

Mar 29, 2012 22:20

Feeling restless so posting some stuff ( Read more... )

s7 musings, picspam, vidding

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Comments 26

el1ie March 29 2012, 21:01:46 UTC
I wasn't sure what the fingernail shot was aiming for - either yes, Sam's nails were crumbling like his body - but I did wonder if that was more of something in his mind as that doesn't actually happen does it? Then I wondered if Sam had been put in the restraints because in the time he was off camera he had a total meltdown and tore his hands to shreds, which, yeah, sucks not filming it guys. *shrug* not sure really, but wasn't it a nice detail? Scruffy Sam was definitely a delight - not often they take the razors away....mmmm.

Vid challenge - I'm tempted, I've never done one before, I have a possible song, so that's one point in favour. However I haven't been able to face even opening my vid prog lately, so even if I sign up, chances are I'll default - just don't know what's wrong with me and vidding lately - I'm beginning to think I've dried up and shrivelled away. *cries*


el1ie March 29 2012, 21:21:59 UTC
Sod it, I signed up, *facepalm* - no good sitting here crying about it - time to get a move on or move on out...


ash48 March 30 2012, 14:03:10 UTC
The nails intrigued me and I like the idea that he is seeing his body fall apart. When I first saw it I thought it was something he had done to himself whilst being restrained, but it didn't make a lot of sense really...

I'm beginning to think I've dried up and shrivelled away. *cries*


Though I know the feeling. I been finding it hard also. But it will come back hun.

And yay vid challenge! I'm glad you signed up. I am going to as well. I have an idea (I think!) ....I just have to find a suitable song with "sun" in the title. :)


el1ie March 30 2012, 14:21:23 UTC
Oh great we can both whine together! Hee! I'm pretty sure on the track I picked to use, I've already done my favourite Beatles track and the boys back together on the road, so not sure what direction this one will take, but just getting something done would be a wonderful step.

Most of the "sun" ones on my playlist are angst filled - well, most of my playlist is angst filled, but if you want another suggestion or two I'll put my thinking cap on for you.

'Pleasant Valley Sunday' - The Monkees?
'Was a Sunny Day' - Paul Simon?
'Bring me sunshine' - Morecambe and Wise?
'Bring in the Sun' - David Essex? - but that's a bit long at 4.40 - don't know about you but I expect I'll be trimming the song to keep it short and sweet.


callme_k March 29 2012, 23:20:03 UTC
The things I don't notice /o\ I saw The Scream reference made at spnematography and was just... WOWWWW!

And that 4th cap you've included is brilliant.


ash48 March 30 2012, 14:05:31 UTC
I missed that piece of graffiti also. I was far too busy watching Sam. But after I saw that I thought how neat it was.

galwithglasses has just posted a recap looking at all sort of interesting stuff in the ep (like how much glass is broken and how many times the shots are framed through windows...). I think you'd like it.



callme_k March 30 2012, 21:35:35 UTC
Ooh, ta. I definitely missed that due to LJ's penchant for hiding posts.


galwithglasses March 30 2012, 05:15:37 UTC
That black and white cap of Sam is gorgeous.

Will Cas ever get the coat clean? Will Daphne realize Cas is missing?

Dean pulled that coat out of the lake and stuck the thing bloody and wet in the truck. You'd have to think it grew mold and other unsavory things. It's just got to reek. I'm surprised he could even unfold it to put it on.

Daphne will notice when Em doesn't show up for yoga. I figure this is where Cas started down the road to Zen stoner future!Cas.

I'd add a question about Crowley to your list. What's he up to?

Did they ice George? He was only here to help.

Did Sam get any sleep? Did he get something other than chocolate bars to eat? I can live on them but I don't recommend it.

Two more days!


ash48 March 30 2012, 14:09:55 UTC
Daphne will notice when Em doesn't show up for yoga. I figure this is where Cas started down the road to Zen stoner future!Cas.

Ha! Of course...makes perfect sense...

And yes! Crowley. I knew I missed someone. I'd love to know what part he will play in the future.

I hope Sam got some sleep. I would love it if the next ep started with Sam sleeping. I really don't want it to be weeks later and he's all fine and well. I'd love to see him getting (and enjoying) some well needed rest.

One one now! :D



zebra363 March 30 2012, 11:58:41 UTC
Bobby's numbers. The exact location of those numbers hasn't been discovered yet. Frank had the last 2 digits wrong. Or are they even co-ordinates?

I was just thinking about this yesterday. I'll be really disappointed if that was a continuity error and doesn't get referred to again!

Counting down... 13 hours to air time, maybe 15 or 16 hours for us!


ash48 March 30 2012, 14:12:19 UTC
Those numbers HAVE to be referenced again. Surely...

I'd love the boys to somehow figure it out what the real numbers mean.

Not long now! (and I won't be able to make it tomorrow unfortunately. Just too much to do here...:(( )



netlynn March 30 2012, 13:51:31 UTC
Ooooh Simone's rec was a good one - I'd almost pay good money to see that one. :D

Also? I do not care for Sam's hair at all lately - it's too long and shaggy for me. Why cover that beautiful face?

Also, on an unrelated topic: I bought a Team Dean tshirt to wear in Rome for JIB. Why does that make me all giddy like a stupid teenager? I AM EXCITED!! We leave three weeks from today. \o/


ash48 March 30 2012, 14:15:36 UTC
Simone's rec? Ack..my memory...

I have to admit I have a thing for long, shaggy hair. But I like it best when it's all messy and sexy, rather than combed back. It has been pretty long this season though.

Yay Team Dean tshirt for Rome! HOW EXCITING! I know you guys will have an awesome time! \o/


netlynn March 30 2012, 14:25:05 UTC
Simone's rec? Ack..my memory...

Eeep! I meant vid prompt, not rec. Ack...my train of thought. lol

Well, yes, there's something to be said for having enough hair to yank hold of. *cracks up* But for my personal preference I prefer it shorter. Like Jensen's for example. He has plenty you can grab hold of but not too much to cover his beautiful face.

I cannot wait! My excitement is gonna kill me before then.


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