quickie (spoilery) question..

Mar 26, 2012 21:18

(so comments may be spoilery if there's an answer)

Does any one know how many episodes Misha is signed up for this season? I heard 3, but wanted to confirm. And as much as I avoid spoilers AT ALL COSTS if anyone knows which episodes he's in I'm all ears. I feel I might need to prepare myself.

As in... if he's in the finale then I might need to steel myself for a quick fix to the Leviathan problem... :/


I re-watched the ep and just..... oh sam. After looking at this wall paper it makes me think just how much this man has suffered. He's not just tired because of lack of sleep, but from just...EVERYTHING! And not just Sam....Both of them!! Dean said "he's tired" in Croatoan... imagine how he feels now.

And it's OUR FAULT! US FANS! We love the show so much they keep having to find ways to make them suffer! I don't know whether to jump for joy or feel guilty...

s7 musings, question

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