One for the arty types on my flist...

Mar 04, 2012 21:25

Can someone tell me if this is an art "style". If this mural is perhaps homaging an artist or style of art ( Read more... )

question, geekery, motels

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Comments 29

no_ones_sleep March 4 2012, 18:00:02 UTC
I'm sorry to not be able to help, but I surely find your obsession awesome.


ash48 March 5 2012, 10:39:13 UTC
Hee! I'm glad someone does! :DD


galwithglasses March 4 2012, 21:59:07 UTC
I don't know about art style but I think Sam's expression is a pretty good comment on its artistic merit.


ash48 March 5 2012, 10:39:37 UTC
Hee... yeah, it's a good match. :DD


riotgrrlhotel March 5 2012, 02:28:17 UTC
Naieve, or folksy?


ash48 March 5 2012, 11:10:14 UTC
Hmmm... yeah. I think it could well be a cross between those. I think the set designers were just having a bit of (strange) fun when painting those walls. Who knows what they were thinking...;)



tiggeratl1 March 5 2012, 17:22:42 UTC
Just saw this and my first thoughts were that it was possibly an homage to the Pacific Northwestern Native American's around Concrete, Washington. I did a quick view through of that epi. and noticed that Dean passes another hotel right before his 'wish decides to show up again' :P and that hotel is named 'The Chieftain Hotel' and the hotel the boy's are staying in is 'The Tall Totem Lodge' so there's a Native American theme going on me thinks. While we don't get a better view of the mural on the wall, I'm thinking that the thunderbird totem in the background could be a clue. Some tribes view the Thunderbird as an omen of war. When quaking peals of thunder rattle the heavens, it's a sign the spirits are warring in the skies. So it could be a subtle reminder of the battle between Heaven and Hell that was going on in season 4... or not. :) /geekfest.


ash48 March 5 2012, 23:11:24 UTC
This is brilliant. Thank you!

I thought that said "Tall Totem Lounge"? So it says lodge? That changes things a bit. I have the hotel name as The Chieftain Hotel.

There's definitely a Native American theme going on. I've looked up all sorts of theme paintings and styles. I did come across something close from a Canadian artist. But she's not credited with painting it so I figure it's not hers (I'm sure they would have to credit her...?)

I love your explanation of the totem. That's awesome!! I might even include that in my post if that's ok with you. :))



tiggeratl1 March 6 2012, 05:59:32 UTC
I just got home so I double checked WT real quick and...

Here's Dean passing 'The Hotel Chieftain'

... )


ash48 March 6 2012, 07:11:44 UTC
Ah yes.. I have those screen caps. (They will be featured in the up coming picspam *g*). I have to say I just assumed it said lounge (as in the bar area) and not lodge. It's weird that they stay in a hotel called The Chieftain and then in an area in the hotel called a lodge. I will make the correction on the picspam. Thanks for the catch. :DDD

I'm only making an assumption about the artist. I can't for the life of my find the painting now but when I do I'll show you and you can see what you think. :)

Hee... /fellowgeek. :)


rhymephile March 6 2012, 07:05:55 UTC
Are you referring specifically to the style of the art seen in the caps?

Since SPN films in British Columbia, the art represented here is actually First Nations in Canada. You can find a list of common tribes in British Columbia at the Wiki here. The style of art the Pacific Northwest tribes used is very specific and recognizable, since it was represented in totem poles, as seen behind Sam and in the painted mural. You will only ever see this style of art in the Pacific Northwest. No other First Nations or Native American tribes used this artistic style. Each of the carved figures represents an animal (or human figure) which in turn represents a family's clan -- Bear Clan, Eagle Clan, etc. They generally show a family's lineage, but sometimes they can tell stories or tribe histories ( ... )


ash48 March 6 2012, 08:58:55 UTC
Are you referring specifically to the style of the art seen in the caps?

Yes. I am primarily interested in the mural on the wall. It seems familiar for some reason and I'm not sure why. Though the actual totem is interesting also.

And I love this information. So... (excuse my ignorance) are you saying this is specifically art from the area they are filming in and is not representative of Native Americans? That is quite fascinating and something I'd like to mention in the post - once I do some more investigating. It makes me curious if they got a local artist to paint the wall.

Thank you SO much for this. <33


rhymephile March 7 2012, 05:43:25 UTC
To be more clear, the Native peoples in the US are called "Native Americans" while the Native peoples of Canada are called "First Nations."

The tribes of the Pacific Northwest part of the US and into Canada (so Washington state in the US, and into British Columbia in Canada) practice a very specific type of art, represented with totems and stylistic forms of animals. You won't see any other tribes in the US or Canada using this art. So, in other words, if I were to see this:

... )


ash48 March 7 2012, 08:11:54 UTC
Ah... I understand. Thank you. :)

A commenter above has suggested that maybe the totem here is of the Thunderbird (in the form of an eagle).

Thanks again for this. I did some reading on it and it has all been very interesting (and enlightening).


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