7.14 Review

Feb 19, 2012 13:44

A little delayed due to RL getting in the way. (damn you RL!)

Well...... WOW. That was pretty damn intense. Shocking in some parts and.....a touch meh in others. But, overall, I really enjoyed. It was a meaty episode full of edge of your seat moments.


Mark Pellegrino. He, hands down, stole the show. He is absolutely WONDERFUL as Lucifer. SO very, very creepy. More on that later (because that "creepy" needs fleshing out a bit more), but I was THRILLED to see him back again.

SAMMMY!!!! OMFG.... I just. THANK YOU SHOW! I really wasn't expecting an episode so soon on Sam's hallucinations. I thought maybe towards the end of the season, so to have them exploring this now is so exciting.

The mirroring between Jeffery and Sam. I know they do this all the time with their monsters of the week (comparing them to something going on with the boys) but this was a great use of that device. When Dean said "He was a psychopath, Sam. That's what they do all the time is act. Act like they're normal. Act like they're not balls to the wall crazy." I nearly bawled. OH SAM! :((((((((((((

I also loved the serial killer angle and that a demon had identified Jeffery as a future demon. Destined for hell. That was cool.

Lucifer's tongue! Did you see that?! YIKES!

The actor playing Jeffrey (Russell Sams). I really enjoyed his performance. Very convincing.

The final "Good Morning, Vietnam". That. Oh god. And the way Sam jumped when he yelled it. The thought of Sam waking up each morning to Lucifer. Not to mention what might happen in his dreams. *sobs*

The motel room!! \o/ (see below)

The overall tension of the episode. Mostly brought about by Lu stalking Sam. Ack!


The flashback. It was gutsy to do that because there's no way they could get the guys to look like they did back then. So we really just had to take it at face value. I know the SPN timeline is all messed up, but I'm assuming it's S3 as they trying to find Lilith to prevent Dean going to hell (?). The amulet and the ring were a nice touch.

Seeing demons again. I've really enjoyed the break from the demon story line, but it was like putting on comfy shoes to see them back again. It felt familiar and as the season isn't dominated by them I liked the revisit. I find the inconsistency with how they handle demon inconsistent though and it often distracts me. Like... why could Meg's demon run around in a broken vessel and not feel anything and yet when the boys tortured the demon they punched him and broke his fingers. (I get that that was for effect, but I find stuff like that distracting. Why not just stick to the knife and holy water?). I get that it was for effect - having the boys so brutal was shocking, but breaking fingers?

I have mixed feelings about the torture. I really liked that they allowed the characters to go there. We know Sam and Dean are tough and sometimes have to be brutal to get results, but it was really hard to watch. It's interesting thought that they seemed to have justified this treatment on an "innocent", when he turned out to be not so innocent after all.


The resolution. I was really invested throughout the ep and then at the end I felt a little let down (not the Samnlucifer bit). I can't pinpoint exactly why. I think I get a little frustrated when the boys get caught and then have to find reasons why the baddy doesn't just kill them. Jeffery only needed Dean's blood so he could have easily killed Dean and be done with it. It could be argued that the demon wanted him (I LOVE it when demons get excited that they have a Winchester), but even dead the demon could have had his soul. I know they CAN'T kill them - but I love it when they give us really good reasons why not. Also? Dean clearly needed to be in chains... *g*

Speaking of Dean tied up (::koff:: yes... I even like it when Dean gets tied up!) but it would have been really interesting (imo) if Jeffery exacted some pay back by inflicting (or attempted to inflict) some torture on Dean. The threat was kinda there, but it never happened. It's not because I wanted to see Dean tortured (though.. ahem..) but because it would have been an interesting juxtaposition to the opening scene. A reversal of roles.

And why, when one of the boys bursts in to rescue the other they mess up the timing so they end up being flung into a wall, or hurt or stopped somehow. Yeah.. I know about tension and stuff, but it's another one of those little things that bug me.

But that's it for *meh* really. Other than there being a lot of chatting... (I ADORED Dean's "I can't believe this guy is talking so much" face. Hee.... I was thinking the same thing. *G*)

Observations. (warning for possible triggers)

Creepiest line to date: "The rapier wit - the wittier rape - come on,"

*gulps* There's been too many references to what might have happened to Sam in the pit to be ignored now. "bunk buddy" "spooning"... it's as creepy as hell and truly adds an undercurrent of dark that is both delicious and disturbing (the delicious being that they are prepared to be that dark). I think it absolutely brings home how horrific it must have been for Sam (and Dean because I'm sure he didn't escape such treatment).

Though it might not just reference physical rape but mental rape also. Lucifer penetrating Sam's mind without consent.

If we accept that Jeffery was a mirror for Sam then that whole scene with Jeffrey dancing with his demon, "loving" his demon and inviting him in, reinforces what Sam is going through. Or perhaps... will go through. Jeffery wanted his demon, loved him, needed him. Could Sam be heading down the same path? Perhaps re-visiting one he went down in hell?

Sam acknowledged Lucifer because he needed him. Wanted his help (yay... to save his big brother. <33). It will be very interesting to see what they do with this. If Sam accepts Lucifer, starts talking to him, listening to him, letting him help find answers then etc then.....wow... that would be a fascinating development. I wonder if Sam would try and keep that from Dean? I suspect he might try for a while, but I think Dean would start to see the cracks. Which then leads to what state that would leave Dean in. I think the last straw for Dean will be something (like this) happening to Sam.

I can only think that the victims being "fat" was a shout out to Silence of the Lambs. Linking the serial killer's "type". Or was deliberately offensive to make us hate Lucifer. It puzzles me why they had to be do derogatory. Because if Lu was saying that then it suggests that Sam was thinking that.

Which brings me to this...

A question

I have to admit I am confused about how this hallucination works. He's in Sam's head, which suggests that Sam is somehow controlling what Lucifer is saying and doing. It's Sam's mind after all. But, I find that really hard to hold on to. Especially when we get shots of Lucifer that Sam doesn't see. Like the tongue poking, the "he said Shut Up to me". The camera stays on Lu while Sam walks off. Of course, we could be seeing what Sam imagines Lu is doing, but... damn. It's complicated.

What I'm wondering is... could some part of Lu actually be inside Sam's brain? Somehow independent of Sam's control? Maybe part of Lu's pysche attached itself to Sam's mind and he works independently to Sam. Which makes more sense to me than Sam subliminally making Lu say and do the things he's doing.

By Sam acknowledging him it opened up another pathway in Sam's brain - the one that prevents Sam using his trick to be rid of him.

It might also mean that Lu might be able to be exorcised. *shrugs* I dunno.

To end I just have to squee about the floor of that motel. *adores*

To me, it looks like a jigsaw. Or the notion of pieces slotting together. It's completely wacky. And totally awesome.

I love the style and the colours. Very 70s. I also love it when we get shots of the boys sleeping. This scene reminded me of Dead Man's Blood when John was listening to the radio and woke his boys.

Overall, a solid ep. And what a cliff hanger. I CAN NOT WAIT to see where they go next (but please don't tell me!). We have to wait until March 16th to find out. WHAT THE HELL!!?! (Will definitely need lots of fic to see me through...)

s7 episode reaction

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