
Feb 21, 2012 06:42

OMG! This vid...

Always Find me Here by secretlytodream

I don't often gush to this extent over a vid but I absolutely have to with this one. It spoke directly to me and I have an urge to share that. (I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek, but I had nothing, whatsoever, to do with it).

It captures, so perfectly, the messed up, tragic, co-dependent, desperate, beautiful, angst ridden, love driven relationship that these boys have.

It's everything Winchester. It shows the blood that has been shed, the sacrifices made, the pain of words and the loss of trust and faith. It shows that no matter how much their relationship is pushed or ripped apart they find their way back to each other. Which is, essentially, why I am so damn invested in this show. For a vid to be able to capture all that is amazing. And wonderful.

On TOP of that, there's the actual vidding. *GUH* Of course it's expertly edited - if you know Loki's work you've come to expect that. But it's the use of the voiceovers that is also remarkable. The audio is edited in such a way that the sentences become poetic. There's a rhythm and pulse that work with both the music and the footage.

I've watched it a number of times now (which is rare for me) and each time it draws a tear. Not because it's sad but because it encapsulates the power of their remarkable bond so beautifully. The artistry of the vidding is also very moving.


I recently discovered podficcer crinklysolution. She has a way of reading that allows you so solely focus on the story. It makes me think of a really good story where you don't notice the words. Her reading is like that. You forget you're listening to someone read and just notice the story.

I recently listened to these two:

In My Dreams You're Blowing Me...Some Kisses written by queenklu Jared/Jensen NC17 (Prostitute!Jensen, Bartender!Jared).

I didn't think this would be a story I'd get into but once I did I loved it. It's a refreshing, honest (and hot!) look at the industry.

Crush written bysonofabiscuit (Sam/Dean NC17)

I LOVE long podfics and this is brilliant! Future fic with a fabulous outsider POV.

I am currently listening to the QB 'verse by pianoforeplay. It's read by the fabulous chemm80 and I LOVE LOVE it! (American Football 'verse. Jared/Jensen (and some pairings) NC17)

I can't believe how much I am enjoying the football side of it. It's actually made me check out American Football on YT! The complicated romance between the boys is absolutely fabulous but I'm loving how detailed and interesting the game information is. (I can't believe I actually get disappointed when the Cowboys lose!) It's also very VERY long (YAY!!)

I'm tacking on some awards I got recently- 'cause they're shiny and I was pleased to received them. :D

From Best of the Best Round 6

awards, fic rec, vid rec, podfic rec

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