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Comments 38

debbiel66 February 4 2012, 05:00:36 UTC
Can I just say I ♥ you? I liked it too!

*hugs you*


ash48 February 4 2012, 05:10:10 UTC
You most certainly can! I *heart* you too! <33

Glad you liked. I'm thinking we might be in the minority for this one. Not sure...


debbiel66 February 4 2012, 05:16:50 UTC
It always works when my expectations are relatively low. I wasn't expecting much...and was very pleasantly surprised.

I'm not going to be looking for too many differing opinions on this one. I enjoyed it just fine. That's enough. And I missed my show.


ash48 February 4 2012, 07:34:43 UTC
I had absolutely no idea what this one was going to be about. I saw a couple of comments about being worried about it, which made me a bit nervous. But looks like there was no need to be concerned. :)



destina February 4 2012, 06:16:56 UTC
I enjoyed it! I'm always down for some Winchester angst. And naked Dean. *g*


ash48 February 4 2012, 07:35:54 UTC
I forgot to mention the best part!! NAKED DEAN! \o/



zebra363 February 4 2012, 11:23:24 UTC
His tattoo looked so good in that scene. I don't even like tattoos, but none of my usual preferences seem to apply with this show!


ash48 February 4 2012, 12:01:29 UTC
YES YES!! I LOVE it when I see the tattoo! \o/

(Dammit! We need them both taking their shirts off at the same time so we see them together...)



zebra363 February 4 2012, 06:27:04 UTC
I LOVED it. Loved Sam taking charge and being forceful, the extra angst from Dean being Emma's father and the parallel with what happened with Amy. And "Don't get killed" of course!


(Glad to see you remembered what to do on a Saturday! You had me a bit worried with what you said last week!)


ash48 February 4 2012, 07:38:51 UTC
Yay! Hee... I did think of you during that opening scene and wondering if you turned a way. It was pretty damn gruesome. But great ep. I do love that when one bro is really struggling the other steps up. This time it was Sam and I do love it when Sam is being strong and there for his big bro. (I love it the other way around too of course..*g*)

And I was thinking about it ALL MORNING! I watched it as soon as I could. I had the morning to myself so I could. \o/



zebra363 February 4 2012, 10:54:03 UTC
I definitely looked away at first. I liked the guy in the opening sequence initially - I always feel bad for victims who are just quietly going about their business at home - so what happened to him was extra offputting!

The problem with doing these transcripts is I have to look at scenes like that properly, usually quite a few times!


theron09 February 4 2012, 09:45:49 UTC
I loved the episode too - I thought the characterisation was spot on and I liked the mirrors between Dean and Emma and Sam and Amy.


ash48 February 4 2012, 12:05:10 UTC

Yes. The charactisations were really well played. In an episode like this you can see how comfortable the Js are with their characters. Sam was both annoying little brother and awesome little brother rolled into one. Dean was trying to be everything he used to be (picking up women) and then coping with that back firing in his face.

OH BOYS! (that about sums it up for me *g*)



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ash48 February 4 2012, 12:08:36 UTC
does that mean there is something wrong with me?

Hee.. well, if there's something wrong with you then there's definitely something wrong with me! :DD I think I almost leaped off the sofa during the edited together bits.

Oh yes! The professor was fantastic! (I knew I forgot to mention all the great bits).

It was all so fantastic! Damn this show!!

But not really.. :DD

*hugs* hun. Hope you're good.


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ash48 February 4 2012, 13:54:20 UTC
It's funny...but SPN has been my grounding, happy place today. So much yuk stress stuff going on and then I come here and all that melts away. I know it shouldn't. RL is, well... real life. But here I can escape and forget all that.

The boys' woes are far more interesting. ;) It is a bit like coming home.



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