7.13 Insta! reaction

Feb 04, 2012 12:57


Ok. So I figure they'll be a mixed bag of fan reactions to this one (I'm sure that touched on a few issues that may upset some) but I really REALLY enjoyed it!

Talk about angst overload. Jeezeee SPN. How many times can you tear my heart out and stomp on it?!

OH BOYS!!! That final scene. :((((( Whaaaaaaaaaaaa "Don't get killed". *SNIFF*

I adored ADORED the camera work and the editing!!! \o/ The intercutting between Dean having sex and the guy being chopped up was amazing. As was the scene with Dean and Lydia. All those fabulous close ups on the eyes and lips... GUH!! Great directorial debut from Jerry Wanek.

The ep was really nicely paced. I was on the edge of my seat pretty much all of the time.

SAMMY IS SO WORRIED ABOUT HIS BIG BROTHER. Awwwwww All those little looks of concern, frustration, and worry. Dean's barely coping. Sam's barely coping.


I really liked the turn about. Sam having to kill Emma. The call back to Dean killing Amy. Loved the continuity and that that one moment, from so many eps ago, still holds so much importance.

GHOST!BOBBY \o/ COME ON... is that canon now??? He's looking out for them beyond the grave. He is isn't he?! *NODS*

DEAN WAS A DADDY. My god. Just add another level of angst why don't ya Show.

They really are seeing how far they can push Dean before he completely snaps. I have no idea what Dean snapping would actually look like though. We've seen it before - after John died. A death wish. Maybe, drinking until he can't move? Carelessness to the point of getting himself killed? (which, nah...there were references to him staying around for Sam. I think Dean WILL try and not get killed for Sam's sake). *shrugs* I don't know. I have to say I prefer Dean when he's not so morose and downbeat but I get that it's part of his character journey this season so I'm curious to see where they take it).

Something I can never figure though. Why on earth do the boys leave the window open? Surely they know things can get them through an open window. Sam must remember being taken in Long Distance Call. (I know... adds to the tension and all that. Well, it did for me).

*yikes* gotta dash. Busy weekend is god damn busy! Glad I was able to squeeze that in. Another awesome ep.

Whatcha think? I have no idea what the reaction has been/will be to this one. Don't worry about harshing my squee. I'm cool with that. Though feel free to squeee along with me. :DDD

s7 episode reaction

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