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Comments 38

tiniowien November 12 2011, 13:13:40 UTC
There was so much 'erm... wtf?' with me about Becky in this episode. I spent a good while trying to figure out why they angled her this way when she was such a chuckle-worthy delight in seasons past and a cute nod to us all. The only thing I can come up with is that she was... familiar? She did have a thing for Sam and I can see some clever fellow making an aha!moment when thinking up the ep but still... I feel... I dunno. Oddly out of place.

Cute brotherly moments though, if nothing else... ("Aww you made a fwiend" reminded me of the blooper reals: "Twailer?". :P)


ash48 November 12 2011, 14:07:45 UTC
Yeah. I've been scratching my head about why they used her at all. I'm thinking mostly because we know that she wanted Sam. But really? She's so screwed that she had to resort to drugging him?

I just. It's probably best not to try and work this one out.

The final scene was a delight though so there was that. Hee.. yes. Twailer. :DDD


maenad November 12 2011, 14:43:28 UTC
I've been trying to get another handle on the way they treated Becky in this. I've been looking for another angle - a positive take. But I keep coming back to just being damn confused.

The thing that confuses me about Becky is that she never gets it. It's confused me since her first appearance, but it mattered less in the past because she wasn't in episodes for all that long. This was a whole Becky-centric episode and she went ... nowhere. At the end she was still gazing at Sam with big, sad eyes hoping he would say he liked being married to her.

And I just - Becky. It's all real. All those scary things. If this is what calls to you, shouldn't you be out on the road with a salt gun and an iron crowbar? You clearly enjoy working through cases, you're desperately searching for meaning in your life - why on earth is that manifesting as an attempt to rape Sam? Go be a screwed up hunter. At least that would be an interesting look at a fangirl ( ... )


zimshan November 12 2011, 21:27:19 UTC
The thing that confuses me about Becky is that she never gets it. It's confused me since her first appearance, but it mattered less in the past because she wasn't in episodes for all that long. This was a whole Becky-centric episode and she went ... nowhere. At the end she was still gazing at Sam with big, sad eyes hoping he would say he liked being married to her.

And I just - Becky. It's all real. All those scary things. If this is what calls to you, shouldn't you be out on the road with a salt gun and an iron crowbar? You clearly enjoy working through cases, you're desperately searching for meaning in your life - why on earth is that manifesting as an attempt to rape Sam? Go be a screwed up hunter. At least that would be an interesting look at a fangirl.OMG, SO MUCH WORD. YES. THIS. I keep thinking about the convention episode and how the fanboys, they learned the truth and they got active, they wanted to help. They talked about the books and the characters like they were inspirational to them, like they got something out of it. ( ... )


ash48 November 13 2011, 01:42:43 UTC
Jumps in because...yes. And damnit! I never really thought about that comparison. DAMNIT!

I really would rather believe they have NO CLUE rather than it be a "fuck you" to us. Thank GOD these eps are few and far between.

But as you say... why even go there?! Seriously?! I actually think they think they are doing us a favour. Or as I put above, writing as another "love letter" as it has been put in the past.



ash48 November 13 2011, 01:34:25 UTC
ABSOLUTELY about Becky! Can I just say a HUGE DITTO to what zimshan's said in response. She said it much better than I could.

(And I could totally have watched Becky the serious hunter. Anything to remove her inanity).

HA!! SamnDean's marriage is actually healthier than anyone else's!. SO TRUE! The focus really seems to be on showing us that they work now. Each episode has shown us a little of that. In the past it's been about how irrational and unhealthy it is. How they can be each others downfall. So it's great to see them coming out of that.

My respect for Crowley has increased 10 fold since that ep. (something good did come out of it!). I loved his reasoning.

And I have a bit of sneaking sympathy for demons, because no one's ever going to speak up for their rights,Ha! True. :D At times I have felt sorry for demons. I remember Ruby (Katie's) talking about what it took to become a demon. I even have a soft spot for Meg. I'm very curious to see if somehow the demons and the Winchesters (maybe angels?) team up to defeat ( ... )


winsangel November 12 2011, 15:01:01 UTC
I'm with you on the WTF was this about the epi. The blatant poking to the fans was unecessary IMO. I mean really? If you're trying to get back in the good graces of the fandom after S6 (which wasn't my fav but I didn't hate it) don't go about it this way.

There was a lot handwaving to be done in this that I won't go into.

The saving graces for me were Jensen/Dean who looked even more amazing than usual (especially in his new threads) and Jared/Sam who was absolutely adorkable when he was under the influence (like he usually is when hes UTI) but I agree he could have spat that wrag out in like a second - that was really just very silly and cringeworthy for such a bad ass hunter. I think he could have figured a way out of those ropes to. If they were going for a Misery slant, it was way off.

The ending concerns me as well and I'll handwave it also. The joking and smiles saved the epi for me but I think there is still a melt down coming for Dean and Sam needs to be there to pick him up.


ash48 November 13 2011, 02:01:10 UTC
Yeah... lots and lots of hand waving.

it saddens me a little because we've been riding such a high in S7. There's been some truly wonderful episodes. A couple of weaker ones and then this. And this doesn't even come in as weak but rather very miscalculated.

But YES! Dean looked damn fine! And Sam's innocent/happy face was adorable. I just love how different Sam was when he was UTI. Jared pulled that off very well.

And yeah... that meltdown's gonna be pretty interesting ( I HOPE!) God, I hope they don't stuff that up. I am a bit worried now. That ep got past Sera so I'm worried what else they'll approve...

(I think I might spoil myself for next week. I need to know we have something positive to look forward to...)



wistful_fever November 12 2011, 15:02:09 UTC
TBH, I don't feel like this episode was about us fans at all. I agree with an above poster that said there was an aha! moment about Becky, and they all got stupid about what implications it would send... as they are wont to do. There are implications, rather unfortunate ones, but I'm not going to take it as a personal vendetta against us because that Becky is so divorced for who the majority of fans are that it is in no way about us. It just didn't feel like it was about us. It felt like they just happened to use her because it was convenient in terms of getting a roofied wedding plot. I'm still not happy about it, but it's more that I would have liked some character growth for Becky, we got a hint about her childhood issues (the reunion and the childhood pic). I do actually hope they bring her back at some point for a redemptive story line... though how their could possibly be redemption for attempted rape, who knows.


wistful_fever November 12 2011, 15:03:41 UTC
Cancel that "their" for a "there." Geeze, I'm going back to grammar school.


ash48 November 13 2011, 02:13:55 UTC
I don't feel like this episode was about us fans at all.

I gotta say, that's refreshing to hear. I think that's where I've been torn. I don't identify with her as a person I recognise in myself so I can see that it might not be about us directly but it's hard to not see her as being a stereotype of a SPN fangirl. I get why they used a stereotype rather than flesh out a real character (laziness I'm figuring) but they could have given her some nice or redeemable qualities.

If they brought her back they would have to be SO careful (not that they seem to really care how we react to her) - I'd love to see a complete turn around. A lesson learned maybe. But...nah, I'm thinking now she'd have to be a completely different character.



strive2bhappy November 12 2011, 16:37:58 UTC

Try as I might, I can't think of a reason why they decided to show such blatant disrespect for fans. Even if it's just "harmless fun" surely TPTB knew this wouldn't sit right with us.

*shrugs* It's disappointing but it didn't stop me from enjoying some of it.TPTB have been doing this for YEARS. I swear, I've gotten to the point where when I know an ep is going to have elements of meta, I anticipate the hits. We got our first taste with Monster at the End of This Book and it hasn't stopped. I don't expect it to ( ... )


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strive2bhappy November 12 2011, 18:08:52 UTC
*continuing to hijack ash's journal* (sorry ash!)

holy crap, yes! that's exactly what the user name references! awesome catch!

the meta really does knock the show out of the sam and dean story, doesn't it? that's why i try to actively FIND the sam and dean story within all that crap. it's really the only way i can keep watching the show.

and yes, there is an element of "look how clever we are" with the fan-service and meta that gets TERRIBLY old in these eps. i much prefer the almost throw-away lines like the Gilmore Girls reference in Hollywood Babylon and the House of Wax comment in Fallen Idols (to name just two) to ENTIRE EPISODES that take up so much time on this concept.

and the rants continue! :)


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