7.08 episode reaction

Nov 12, 2011 20:29

Excuse me a minute while I put away my note book filled with "I love Jared". *adds another heart* Oh and my dastardly plot to roofie Jared into loving me.

Ok. Done. Now. Where were we. *stares at the screen in wide eyed crazed excitement*

Oh yes. Episode reaction.

SAAAMMMM!!! They tied you up JUST FOR ME!!! Thank you show. \o/ I love you SO much (even though I'm thinking you might not love me so much anymore).

Look at that! They tied Sam to a bed! AND AND gagged him too! (I can tick that of my hopes for S7! \o/)


Dear Darling Sam,

You know how you're really smart? You got a full ride to Stanford and you've been expertly trained my Dean and your dad? Well, you may have been a little more comfortable if you had spat out the gag. You know, used your tongue to push it out. Just saying.

Though, I get that you've been clocked on the head SO many times that you brain is mush now and may not have figured that out. So. I'll forgive you this time.

Ignoring the bleeding obvious.


Dear Show,

Thank you so much for giving us another love letter. I am so impressed that after all this time you have a really good handle on what it means to be a fan of your show. And thank you so much for showing it to us because we may never have realised just how pathetic we really are.

My eyes are wide open now.

Dear Becky,

You've read the Supernatural books. You know if you mess with Dean's little brother things aren't going to work out too well for you. There's quite a lot of other things I would like to point out but I think we'll leave it there.

I don't even.

I've been trying to get another handle on the way they treated Becky in this. I've been looking for another angle - a positive take. But I keep coming back to just being damn confused.

It did strike me that perhaps we could take this as a shout out to Stephen King's Misery. A crazed #1 fan captures and drugs object of her adoration and incapacitates him. It's pretty damn creepy. Done right this could have (possibly) been a gripping psychological thriller. Might have even explored Becky's character some more and addressed the issue of obsession and madness in a way that respected the character. Instead. Well, instead we got what we got.

It reminded me of Yellow Fever (same writers btw) in that they missed a huge opportunity to do something interesting. In YF (top of my list as the worst ep ever) they caricatured Dean's fear in the same why they caricatured Becky.

Try as I might, I can't think of a reason why they decided to show such blatant disrespect for fans. Even if it's just "harmless fun" surely TPTB knew this wouldn't sit right with us.

*shrugs* It's disappointing but it didn't stop me from enjoying some of it. There were some laugh out loud moments mixed with some awwwws. Sure there were plenty of groans and O_O but let's focus on the positive yeah?

Exploding wedding cake! Now THAT made me giggle.

I liked the idea of Sam getting married. It was totally bizarre and gave us some new bromance moments. THE SEASON IS SO ABOUT THE BOYS BEING MARRIED! HOW MANY SHOUT OUTS NOW?!!? \o/

I was equal parts amused and worried about Sam strange behaviour. I love that we really did't know if it was something to do with his mental state or something was actually wrong. Inside I'm thinking NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (love how stress free Sam looked. Jared did a good job of capturing that I think).

Though I do hate it when they make Sam say hurtful things to Dean when he's not entirely himself. They do that SO OFTEN. I get that it's part of his character but it makes me cringe. At least they fixed it by the end. I'm glad at least they got Sam to actually say he needs Dean to watch his back. I don't think Sam really gets it though. I know he meant well by saying you don't have to look after me any more. I hoping it's part of his character arc that he realises that a large part of Dean's well being is tied up in being needed by Sam AND that Sam needs to look after Dean also. It's works both ways. (I'm totally ok that he still has that to learn. As long as they give him a chance to do that). Though remembering the way they handled Sam in YF I'm thinking these two writers don't really know Sam and Dean that well. Which is stupid because they've written many episodes.

Sam in pain will always go down well with me so, yeah... those headaches as he was coming out of his drugged state? Thank you show. (see how I'm thanking you for the shallow stuff. Just be grateful there's that).

Sam's killer peen was referenced. :)

They go to Vegas annually. Like a holiday. (maybe they really did go to Vegas after Nightmare. Dean said they should. And now it's something they do regularly. 'cause they're married).

Sam takes himself off and camps out. Huh.

Garth. Yes. I did like him rather a lot. I loved how Dean working with him showed us just how WELL Sam and Dean work together. I love how damn matter of fact he was. None of the Winchester mystique about him. He got the job done though and didn't look completely stupid. (Unlike ::koff:: one character).

Crowley. Yes. Yes. I actually really liked Crowley in this one. I think after his run in with Dick he seems, Idk, different. Less cock sure or something. (I love the extreme close ups on his face also). The talk about Hell having integrity cracked me up. MAKES SENSE! Nothing to bargain with if you renege on a deal. That was a smooth scene actually.

I also loved Dean. *hugs* him. He was doing what he knows best. Looking out for Sam. I love that he was as confused as we were about the wedding. I adored his attempt to be supportive. The waffle iron did draw out a giggle. (not nice that it was later used on Sam's head /o\).

But really... It was that final look at the very end. The one that said "I don't know who to be if I'm not looking out for you. How do I even begin to look after myself?" Dean seems so deeply troubled at the moment. From the opening scene to the closing one. There's just something going on. I'm not sure if he's still headed for the much anticipated melt down or not. I assuming (maybe hoping?) so. Something needs to happen to get him out of his funk. I just hope to God they allow Sam to be there to pick up the pieces instead of be the cause it.

The boys seem to be in such a good place at the moment. The final scene full of smiles and jokes was lovely. Sam seemed genuinely grateful and I truly believe he felt like he was saying the right thing to Dean. I'm ok. Now it's your turn to be ok. Only Dean's not so sure how.

There's probably some deep meta here but that requires some more thought. I'd rather just remember those lovely smiles:

I know many hated this (and with good right). I wasn't left with the same level of hatred I did after Yellow Fever. There were too many bromance moments for it to be a complete loss for me.

I know this review is all over the damn place. It kinda messed with my head. That's my excuse anyway. :D

s7 episode reaction

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