
Nov 15, 2011 18:58

MAN! What a day! The kids are freakin' feral. It's battle to get through the day with my sanity intact. I actually banged my head on the white board in frustration today. It was either that or shout SHUT THE FUCK UP! ::koff:: Needless to say, I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I do actually love my job. Most of the time.


There has been much condemnation of the episode, and rightly so. It's a bit of a downer though. I much prefer it when we are celebrating the show rather than condemning it. That's not to say we should celebrate bad eps. It's just a shame that there are bad eps. But hey. It's gotta happen every now and then I suppose. Luckily they are few and far between (for me anyway).

Speaking of which. I've been guilty I suppose, for being joyous about Sam being tied up in the ep. I admit to having a "thing" for boys in peril. And I definitely have a "thing" for them being tied up. *g* This doesn't mean I approve of Becky's actions in the ep. That's a given yeah? Bit like reading noncon doesn't mean I condone it in any way, shape or form in rl. It's escapism. Isn't it? *nods*

Ack! Far too heavy for a Tuesday night/morning. Ignore me.

Let's look at something more positive.

Check out this post by galwithglasses. She makes some great observations on the colour episode 7.08. I love that sort of stuff. :D

Oh and there's a bottom!Sam/Jared meme happening here.'cause I have a "thing" for that also. And um... well... other stuff too it would seem. \o/

s7 musings, rant, rec

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