
Nov 15, 2011 18:58

MAN! What a day! The kids are freakin' feral. It's battle to get through the day with my sanity intact. I actually banged my head on the white board in frustration today. It was either that or shout SHUT THE FUCK UP! ::koff:: Needless to say, I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I do actually love my job. Most of the time ( Read more... )

s7 musings, rant, rec

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Comments 27

the_muppet November 15 2011, 12:42:05 UTC
And I definitely have a "thing" for them being tied up. *g* This doesn't mean I approve of Becky's actions in the ep. That's a given yeah? Bit like reading noncon doesn't mean I condone it in any way, shape or form in rl. It's escapism. Isn't it?

Absolutely. We all have kinks we enjoy reading, but that doesn't mean we condone or would enjoy that in RL - it IS all about escapism, so you shouldn't feel bad.



ash48 November 15 2011, 12:44:58 UTC
*smishes* you honey. I think I was having some sort of crisis of confidence today..


tiniowien November 15 2011, 13:41:07 UTC
Good lord, if we were all out practicing half the extremely kinky/dangerous/freaken 'odd stuff we read in fics, we'd be arrested! :P Escapism is a necessary part of a healthy mind so never feel ashamed of what you like to read. *hugs*


ash48 November 15 2011, 13:56:23 UTC
Escapism is a necessary part of a healthy mind

I've always thought so. :)

if we were all out practicing half the extremely kinky/dangerous/freaken 'odd stuff we read in fics, we'd be arrested!

tehe... well put. :)

icon! \o/


tiniowien November 15 2011, 14:02:21 UTC
icon! \o/

LoL! Yeah I can't remember where I found that blasted thing - had it for a while...

And I forgot to say earlier, I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stop thinking about the whole Becky schtick. I re-watched the ep the other day and you know, I think I can see where the writers went "Wouldn't it be great if all the fangirls could turn up to their highschool reunion with one of the boys on their arms and stick it to their old schoolmates?". But imo, if they'd changed the ep right after the potion started wearing off the first time and had Sam pop out of it, Becky be all sheepish and guilty and apologetic about just wanting to stick it to the bitchy girls and changed the angle to a case story in regards to tracking down the deaths I might have taken it better. I dunno...

/ranty rant.


ash48 November 15 2011, 14:27:12 UTC
Oh yeah... I hear ya. If she didn't then go on an keep drugging Sam and knocking him out it might have been cool. As in it seemed like a good idea at the time but in the light of day... yeah... really dumb.

If she had come to her senses early on and got Sam and Dean on board after that initial stupid thought had worn off we might have had an interesting story. They work together to catch the demon..

Oh damn...any number of scenarios would have been better. If it hadn't been played for laughs the whole set up could have been really creepy...


redteekal November 15 2011, 14:15:39 UTC
LOL! Re your feral kids comment - it must of been the day for it....a little tired of one particular feral today I came very close to saying No shit sherlock....changed it last second to No shhhhhhhhugar....LOL!! Then when I couldn't get them to shut up I said "Fine - I'll just be sitting over here checking my emails, lunch is next let me know when you wanna be quiet and you might actually be let out to have a little part of it." Still took em like five minutes for them to get all their classmates to shut up. Seriously times like today when I think - you know sometimes we probably are not paid enough ( ... )


ash48 November 15 2011, 14:57:24 UTC
1st para: OMG! I actually said "I'm not paid enough for this" today. (whilst devouring some much needed chocolate). Then I thought.. thank god for those holiday!! And I had EXACTLY the same... the bell has gone. YOU want to go home. I'll wait until there's some semblance of order in this room before I dismiss you. /o\ Plus a whole lot of other crap. Including a kid having a mental breakdown ( ... )


galwithglasses November 15 2011, 15:45:54 UTC
Dean gets tied up in Scarecrow and You Can't Handle the Truth. He gets webbed in Unforgiven. Oh no, I never think about this stuff (walks away whistling innocently).


ash48 November 15 2011, 23:05:05 UTC
Ah yes! I knew there had to be more for Dean ;) (Oooh... now I have more pics to play with... *G*)


galwithglasses November 15 2011, 14:36:10 UTC
I'm glad you liked my bit about the color. hugemind posted a bunch more red caps at the latest entry at Spnematography. The folks over there have been looking at color and all kinds of other things for each episode so far. I've learned so much from everybody over satisfies my inner geek about this stuff. It's amazing to really see how much thought goes into the lighting and sets for the show.


ash48 November 15 2011, 15:17:09 UTC
Yay comm! I didn't know about that one. Just joined because...yay! My inner geek loves it too. :DD


galwithglasses November 15 2011, 15:33:12 UTC
I bet with all the vidding you do, you probably notice all kinds of things that are up for discussion over there. I get almost as excited waiting for the recap as I do for the actual episode. Because of what I learned from people there, I look at visual art a lot differently than I did a few years ago. It's a much richer experience now.


el1ie November 15 2011, 15:48:37 UTC

Bad frustrating days shouldn't happen but they do, deep breath and carry on is about all you can do, hope it's just a passing phase with them.

Loving the visuals show gave us has absolutely nothing to do with loving the intention and actions behind them. Episode was a pile of poop and fresh poop pongs, especially when it seems to be pouring out of all orifices. Eventually though, you grow vegetables in it - just takes time. I'm trying to give it space while I calm the hell down and pretend it never happened but even that won't stop me admiring the good scenes when I feel like it.

Oh and thanks for the link, will be checking that out and I see from one of the comments there is a whole comm! Yipee! Will be monitoring that place...


ash48 November 15 2011, 23:08:16 UTC
I'll be taking that deep breath as I face the new day today. The kids are generally off because it's nearing the end of the year.

Hee. I wondered how you felt about that ep. Giving it some space sounds like a wise move. ;)

And that comm looks great! I look forward to taking a good look around.


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