My hubby never ceases to amaze me...

Nov 11, 2011 20:15

If you've been around here awhile (going back a few years now), you'll be aware of some of trials my hubby and I have been through with regards to my fandom activities.

It took a while for me to find the right balance between family life and fandom stuff (but hey, it was a new toy and I had to play with it A LOT!). He still poo poos my show and makes rather insulting comments about it. His favourite is calling the impala the "invisible car". (ok, so he may have a point. But still).

Well. Look what he just bought me. Ordered from eBay! (which means he thought about it!)

Oh man. It's makes me laugh. And want to hug him extra hard. He also bought me John Winchester's Journal for my birthday a while back. (I think he secretly loves the show and just won't admit it..*g*)

I can't believe it's Friday (my time) again. Which of course means new show tomorrow. I haven't A CLUE what we're in for but I CAN NOT WAIT! \o/

rl means fandom

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