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Comments 41

callistosh65 November 5 2011, 11:54:16 UTC
Awwwwwwwww... Their marriage continues. It's a bumpy road at times but they are getting better at getting over the bumps.

I know! Wasn't it fabulous - had a real season 1 vibe to it. And yeah, I agree. Jensen did play Dean lighter in this episode - and that tag was like a tag of old. Freakin' loved it.


ash48 November 5 2011, 13:12:46 UTC
Fabulous indeed. It was very season one. S1 feel with S7 maturity. :D Loved the shared digging. (though those terribly neat grave holes make me giggle..)



withdiamonds November 5 2011, 12:54:53 UTC
I love this review almost as much as I loved the episode. Which was a lot.


ash48 November 5 2011, 13:13:52 UTC
Aww thanks hun. :DD


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 November 5 2011, 13:49:50 UTC
Didn't like it?! How is that even possible..!?! *head shake*

Hee... well, I get it I suppose. I know we all look at the show differently. I can see that some may have found it a bit bland maybe, but it left me feeling so satisfied that I couldn't help but love it.

(I'll be curious to know what peeps generally didn't like though. I haven't read many reactions yet).


tiniowien November 5 2011, 13:45:02 UTC
Even though its so awesome to see them on good terms again, when Dean bumped into Sam at the cafe, Jared's picture-perfect coiled anger resonated like woah with me because my arguements with my ex felt exactly like that. :P

And so much love for Ellen's ass-kicking from beyond. *g*

Please let there be more smiles in the future like the third screencap. ♥


ash48 November 6 2011, 00:17:39 UTC
Even though its so awesome to see them on good terms again, when Dean bumped into Sam at the cafe, Jared's picture-perfect coiled anger resonated like woah with me because my arguements with my ex felt exactly like that. :P

Yeah. It was pretty real wasn't it. I think this was the most pissed I remember seeing Sam with Dean. I know he has been pissed alot before but to see it go on for so long and so pointedly.

Thank god they resolved it by the end.

And Ellen's shout out was made of WIN!


yaya_wr8t3r November 5 2011, 13:47:49 UTC
It was such a relief from last week's episode. And I LOVED LOVED LOVED those last moments with Sam and Dean, Sam's concealing smile and Dean's glance at him and the satisfied smile on his face because his little brother smiled. It's like Dean lives for those moments, making Sammy happy *draws hearts around them*. I loved that being the care taker was emphasized in this episode, from the two ghost sisters, to the two psychic friends to Sam and Dean. It was so heart warming. Also, Ellen threatening to beat Dean from the grave was just all kinds of awesome! You can tell that Sam loves Dean more than anything from that last shot. And Dean loves Sam just as much. They may never say it, but their actions speak so much louder ♥ *happy sigh*


ash48 November 6 2011, 00:40:36 UTC
Indeed! Happy sighs all around. Lots of lovely parallels in the episode. Sometimes they like to hit us over the head with them but sometimes I really don't mind that. :)



yaya_wr8t3r November 6 2011, 01:06:56 UTC
Parallels are awesome :)


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