First can I just go - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
I also just need to draw little hearts around my lovely LOVELY awesome show. *draws hearts* (probably pink).
Then I have to say - Jensen you are hot like the sun. *swoon* Particularly in a suit. Jared I kinda adore you when you are pissy. And show I love you SO. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Ok. Now down to business.
Is it just me or did Dean seem so much, um... lighter in the episode? As in, a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders and he was actually able to smile again. Make jokes and little digs to his brother. Even though they were arguing and at odds through most of the episode Dean just seemed so much happier and lighter.
For me it came down to simply not having that lie standing between them. Sam knew what he did and all he really had to do is have it out with Sam (which YAY YAY they DID!!) and they could move on. The lie and the lack of trust in Sam weighed SO heavily on Dean that when it was finally lifted he could face anything.
Awwwwwwwww. (I'll do that a lot because man that ep left my heart near to busting).
This is the second episode where we didn't have any shots of Dean drinking. I'm wondering if they are winding up the heavily drinking part of his story (?). The excessive drinking seemed to be linked to two things. Sam's condition after the wall came down and the lie. Now these two things are pretty much fixed I wonder if Dean will get back on a more even keel. We shall see.
Personally I think there's still a heap going for Dean - always will be - but at least I got the feeling that there was some resolution here. Sam's coping with his mental situation and Sam acknowledged that what Dean did was right. For me there's a win for Dean here. And that makes me happy.
It also made me EXTREMELY happy that Dean was acknowledged as having a "caring role." That that is actually an important role in itself. And that it is OK! It's goddam OK that Dean looks out for Sam. It's OK and RIGHT that he always has. That's not to say that Sam doesn't look out for Dean. He does. But it seemed important that Dean got that affirmation. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww *heart explodes*
Sammy, Sammy, Sammy... that pain in Dean's ass. The prissy, wear-my-heart on my sleeve Sam. I loved the sheer determination that Sam had in remaining pissed at Dean. He wasn't going to make this easy for Dean - and nor do I think he should have. Sam was hurt (it was this time last year that we were having to witness Sam not giving a damn about anything...) and in true Sam form he carried that.
I LOVED that he made it so damn clear to Dean what he was pissed about eventually. To come out and say it so straight forward. "You lied and you killed my friend". I equally loved Dean's comeback. They actually VOICED their feelings and thoughts and it opened the gates for the healing to begin. (without punching!)
Awwwwwwwww... Their marriage continues. It's a bumpy road at times but they are getting better at getting over the bumps.
And here's the thing. This is what siblings do. (and married couples *g*). They fight. They make up. They make up because they have an investment in the relationship. They want it to work. Need it to work and so work at it to make it so.
I also love that it's not this deep, dark angst any longer. I enjoyed that at the time but man, I couldn't go through that again. Now it's simple fighting because aspects of each other's personality pisses them off. *happy sigh*
Other things I loved:
1. Was it my imagination or was Melanie reminiscent of Lisa? She had a quality that seemed that perfect match for Dean (similar again to his girlfriend, Carmen, in What Is...). It left me with a twinge of sadness. Especially when it was acknowledged at the end. Another week... Awwwww (I really liked her).
2. It may have been my imagination again but I had a moment of thinking that we had a glimpse of sister siblings (female SamnDean??) with Mel and Camille when they were back to back fighting the ghost? Hmmmm....just me maybe.
3. Gore! Hee....I'm getting a sense of the Final Destination films - how can we make each death bloodier than the last one?
4. "You're a virile manifestation of the divine". Best line of the entire season. *nods*
5. Shout out to wincest. Show does like to play with us. The Campbells (name no accident I shouldn't think!) pretended to be brothers to hide their alternative lifestyle indeed. ;D
6. ELLEN SENDS DEAN A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAD!! (Yay. Thanks Ellen). Also mentions of Pam and Missouri. And Cas! These characters may be gone (for the moment) but they still play a huge part in the brother's story. Thank you Show.
7. LOVE LOVE that there was mention last week of them being "most wanted". Love those little links back to past eps.
8. Impala is still in a corner? Is that because they could be linked to the Levia!Winchesters still? If so, I kinda really love that. Don't love that we haven't got the Impala but love the continuity and that they are being cautious. And that they are without their usual arsenal. (though they managed to get suits again pretty quickly. And more FBI fakes. Or did Frank make them I wonder).
9. Sam's wonderful, wonderful smile when Dean say's he'll punch the waiter in the face if he gives him an affirmation. It's spoke volumes of the love and admiration Sam has for Dean. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Sam after Dean's "boning her" joke.
Dean's satisfied reaction to Sam's reaction. :D
Sam's almost hidden smile at Dean telling the waiter he'll punch him.
Do I live for these moments? You better believe it!!
But more so for these:
Happy HAPPY boys. (At least for the time being). I actually had a little tiny tear of happiness at that ending. (Yes, I'm a sap like that).
It felt like an end of a chapter to me. I'll be curious if we have a new chapter commencing next week. I haven't seen the promo and will stay away because I love being surprised.
I am a happy and content fangirl at this very moment in time.
Thank you show. Thank you glorious Season Seven. <333333333333333