Enquiring minds needs to know..

Oct 10, 2011 20:58

Where is Castiel's grace?

I've been trying to research this, (thanks Superwiki) but it seems that Show hasn't really mentioned it so there's no canonical answer to this. Is that right? Or have I missed something?

The options, that I can see, are:

- Returned to heaven (would he be accepted back?)

- Released into purgatory when the souls were returned (though he was still Cas after that event...so, hmm... not sure. It begs the question was Cas still an angel, with his original powers, after that event?).

- Dispersed when the leviathans were released.

- In hell. He's been a naughty angel after all. Fallen?

- Nowhere. Maybe Cas has been without his grace for awhile (though I assume this is what makes an angel and angel so ...?)

- in the too hard basket. (Yep. Probably this one).

The reason I'm asking (other than because of a vid I am struggling with making), is because it could mean something for his future redemption. *head scratch* not sure. And I just wanna know.

I think waay too much about this show.

I re-watched 7.03 today. On the first watch I was squeeing too hard at watching Colin to actually listen to what he was saying (/o\) on re-watch I noticed how much he was giving us about the MotW. The "yelling" of "stab it in the heart"... held a lot more weight this time around.

I also love the way he talks to Dean and John on the phone. So telling about his relationship with them.

He also mentions John having a temper when drunk.

YOUNG AMY: Yeah, well, she has a temper. Sometimes. It's...no big deal.
YOUNG SAM: My dad does, too. You don't want to see him when he's drinking.

Is he suggesting he may have taken temper out on his boys when drunk? John's temper has been mentioned before (Bobby in Devil's Trap I think..) but it's the first time the suggestion has been made that he may have taken it out on his boys (I believe). I figure that John was a disciplinarian, very strict etc. but to now know that he possibly raised his hand to the boys after drinking....*sniff* ...they really did it tough didn't they? (at least they had each other. And still do. *hugs* them)

Damn, I'm loving this season.

s7 musings

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