Quick reaction post...

Oct 08, 2011 13:34

I was really scared going into that. My flist seemed ..um... worried (yeah, yeah I peeked at the posts for reactions but didn't spoil myself). But I have stop doing that because all through the episode I was like... wow, this is awesome. What's everyone so upset about?!

And then came the end.

Before I get to that thought can I just squee... COLIN FORD!!!!! \o/ WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Man, he was great. And that gal that played young!Amy was FABULOUS! Oh man... Sam and Amy. Two kids with puppy eyes. if that wasn't a match made in heaven. Which of course it wasn't because SAM LIFE SUCKS!!

I think Jensen can be credited with getting those performances out of those young actors.

Other squee....

*Dean in hospital and all wooby!
*Sam on a gurney and out cold. (whaaaa - we didn't quite get hospital!Sam... but close enough)
*Bobby! (he didn't seem too upset about losing his place.... *head scratch*)
*Books planted for safe keeping. (But of course)!
*Flashbacks! I do eat these up. We get little bits of extra canon. (though there were no real surprises there..)
*Wee!Sam is a friggin hero and awesome researcher (which... yep! Already knew that one too.)
*Dean freaking out about missing!Sam. (always love that stuff..)
*Bobby being the sane voice of reason (Dean really relies on Bobby for his point of view on stuff methinks)
*Cake that isn't pie. :)

Ok. So. Now the bit that I figure is going to get fans up in arms.

I have to say my heart was in my throat during Dean's killing of Amy. That was.... hard. Very hard. Not just because he killed a monster after we had grown to sympathise with her, but because he lied to Sam.

I actually get the killing - I do. My understanding is that she actually did do those killings. (yes?) Not just feeding off already dead people. She needed to kill them for her son. So, yeah. Being a hunter is about killing monsters who actually kill people. Truth is, she is very likely to kill again so Dean felt it had to be stopped. Dean IS a hardened hunter after all. I really don't think that has changed over time.

It also harkens back to season two when Dean was spinning out of control. I think that's an important comparison because we are beginning to get glimpses that Dean is not in control as much as he might think he is. He is (I think) heading toward some sort of meltdown and this kind of killing might just be there to show us that.

But the blatant lie to Sam. That's harder. When he said he had to start trusting Sam at some point I actually thought he meant it. As in, this the start of something new. A turn around. (YAY!!) But alas. No. *whaaaaaaa*

But I'm not up in arms about it I have to say. Ok, so the show is still going to deal with trust issues between them. There has to be something that they still need to work on and I can see that trust (at this stage in the game) is a worthy candidate.

That's not to say that that didn't hurt. But IT"S SUPERNATURAL!! THAT"S WHAT THEY DO!.

I'll be curious to see how Sam reacts when he finds out. My feeling is that he'll be hurt, but it's all par for the course for Sam. He knows he's untrustworthy and I reckon he'll not be surprised that Dean lied to him. Sad probably. But not surprised.

There's also the issue of Sam being a "freak" again. Both in his own eyes and in Dean's. *sniff*

I suppose Show had to throw a spanner in the works to what was looking like their relationship being on the mend. It was just going to be all too easy if they were suddenly all trust (and open communication) again. *sigh*

BUT IT'S COOL! Both boys are in a weird space at the moment and until we can see what the future brings there's no point getting too worked about about it.

I really enjoyed it. I was entertained. My heart was in my throat for a lot of it. (But freakin' HORRIFIED by the hot cheese sauce. ARCK! Oh Show. My first "turn away from the screen" moment of the season).

I still love you. (Even though I thought you might have given us a little break from the heartache... HA! idiot me for thinking that .. *g*)


s7 episode reaction

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