7.02 Various thoughts on various bits...

Oct 03, 2011 18:51

Now that I've had a chance to digest that (and read all your thoughtful comments re 7.02- thank you <3) I have been pondering a few things...

Wherein I'm not quite so loud *g*. Spoilers are being a little thinky. )

s7 musings, picspam, meta-ish

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Comments 41

tiniowien October 3 2011, 11:14:49 UTC
Because I have time before I have to go make some semblance of dinner,let me just say i do adore when folks get thinky without going overboard. I really like all of the points above.

And if you're looking for a Cas song, I'll toss one on the pile that I heard today for the first time in a long while on the ipod of my workmate's car. I sat there listening until he kinda snapped his fingers at me. :P To me it talks of redemption and soldiering on with your friends/family as we know everyone on this show has to do at some stage.



ash48 October 3 2011, 14:03:44 UTC
Hey there!

Thanks hun. That ep has been playing on my mind, but nothing that's worth getting tooooo thinky about. Just those little thoughts.

Those lyrics are pretty damn spot on for Cas. Hard song to vid to though. Well, for me. ;) Not really sure what I really want to do yet...

Considering all the other vids I want to do it will probably sit on the back burner for a while. We'll see.

Thanks! :)


theron09 October 3 2011, 12:26:47 UTC
I don't think it was John's journal - it looks too thick.

That last thing - it's definitely not as painful to watch because they're in things together which, in SPN verse, means things are still bad, but not awful.


ash48 October 3 2011, 14:05:06 UTC
Yeah... that's my thought too.

Yes!! IN IT TOGETHER! \o/ AT LAST! ::koff:: oh. I wasn't going to shout this time. :D I'm still bouncy about it all. :D



killabeez October 3 2011, 12:36:10 UTC
The Leviathans are interesting, in the way they operate. First, I assume they need to actually touch their victims. That's why LeviaCas had to leave the warehouse when his vessel started melting -- Sam, Dean, and Bobby weren't enough to house them. (Not to mention they have experience at rejecting possession ( ... )


ash48 October 3 2011, 14:13:22 UTC
First, I assume they need to actually touch their victims.

Yes. They couldn't just let them selves explode out of Cas. Maybe they die if the leave a body without a host. Hmmmm....

it seemed like they took over their first victims without killing the host (though hard to say for sure).

Hmm. Yes. We didn't actually see what became of that little girl. I don't think. I'll have to go back and check. But they do seem to take on the knowledge of the host. They don't seem naive about the modern world for example.

Also interesting that they're concerned about discovery, and fitting in.Hmm... another chin rubbing question. Instead of just feeding on whom ever they come across they want to be discreet. There's also a boss I think ( ... )


galwithglasses October 3 2011, 13:01:49 UTC

I love your icon. I agree, Cas isn't gone till we get a wing shot but I think the whole trenchcoat bit means even if he comes back as Misha (he will), he'll have been drastically changed. Losing the trenchcoat is like shedding an old skin. I'm hoping it will mean he'll have grown.

I'm guessing leviathan people are really dead in the same way as somebody vamped or werewolved. The leviathans seem to be picking up what they know about humans from the people they grab. They may know a lot about the Winchesters because of what they got from Cas but I'm not sure they've really got a good grasp on human behavior from that. Maybe Sam and Dean can exploit that.

I agree, it doesn't look like John's journal. I'm thinking they keep it with the trunk arsenal, of course who knows where that is now with the Impala being repaired. So they're pretty much down to John's storage locker and the Campbell's library, I guess? I'm guessing Bobby never got back to the house or that he made it to the panic room.

With Dean driving off a pier, I think ( ... )


ash48 October 3 2011, 15:44:47 UTC
I thought icon was well appropriate. :) We didn't actually see Cas die... so jury is out.

Losing the trenchcoat is like shedding an old skin. I'm hoping it will mean he'll have grown.

oooh... yes. Nice. That would be great.

The Leviathans are interesting. I think we have a lot more to learn about them yet. killabeez mentioned above about them needing to hide, so they much have some sort of weakness. I'm really curious about where they take this.

So they're pretty much down to John's storage locker and the Campbell's library,

Oh yes. I wonder if they'll make a point of that. The locker hasn't really been mentioned much (at all?). And the Campbell library also. *chin rub*

I wonder how Dean's body is going to react to being in the hospital without alcohol.

OMG, what a thought. I doubt they'll even broach that but what an interesting idea. I wonder if Dean would suffer withdrawal without it? I am actually hoping we get more on Dean and his alcoholism. Good point .

Oh dear, seems like I went on and on there......HEE! I don ( ... )


el1ie October 3 2011, 13:24:37 UTC
YAY! Picspam ( ... )


ash48 October 3 2011, 15:55:46 UTC
Pictures in a table! I feel so CLEVER!! \o/ ahem..

OH GOD YES YES!! Dean making PHONE CALLS to signify breaking down! ARGH! I love it. He's losing so much... How is that boy still walking?!

I am desperate to see where he goes now. Both boys are on the brink of a type of madness. *heart clutch* (i love it)

oooh... so many Lu does have some sort of control of the hallucinations. I'm really struggling to grasp how they actually work. They seem SO real... in terms of Lucifer really being there... not just Sam imaging what he is saying.

The leviathans seem to be a mystery at the moment (glad I'm not the only one who hasn't figured it out yet), which is great of course because we will probably learn more about them as the boys do. (I sincerely hope show has a plan for then...has worked out the "rules". Surely they know we'll pick it to pieces if they don't..*g*)

"Gloopiness" is perfect. :D

Yeah...Cas isn't so easily gotten rid of.;D



el1ie October 4 2011, 11:00:37 UTC
OH GOD YES YES!! Dean making PHONE CALLS to signify breaking down! ARGH! I love it. He's losing so much... How is that boy still walking?! **nods ( ... )


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