
Sep 20, 2011 19:52

In preparation for the new season *bounces* I am curious about where my flist lie on my spoil-o-meter ( Read more... )

s7 musings, poll

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Comments 39

vyperdd September 20 2011, 12:16:08 UTC
I avoid any and all spoilers, casting news, promos, trailers, even ep titles. Learnt during X-Files that the less I know about a show I really love the more I enjoy the episode. It's murder esp just days away from the first ep of a new season, but I figure I've waited since early May, another few days ain't gonna kill me.

Is it Sat morning (for us Aussies)yet????


ash48 September 20 2011, 13:12:37 UTC
I agree that the less I know the better. Though I've had to become a little more relaxed because I'm on LJ a lot (though everyone is generally really good). Also YT is pretty bad for spoilers. I don't surf the place but people leaving comments on my vids will sometimes say something really spoilery.

I just wasn't strong enough...(though I don't feel massively spoiled. I tend to become more of a spoiler phobe the later the season goes on.

Yay! Saturday! \o/


winsangel September 20 2011, 12:22:11 UTC
Spoiler whore here with a capital W, but some of my best buds are totally opposite. I have fun teasing them....I know, it's mean!

Looking forward to your post epi posts :D


ash48 September 20 2011, 13:15:10 UTC
Hee! Meanie... It takes a lot of strength to be a spoilerphobe! ;D

I'm looking forward to having episodes to actually post about! SQUEE! :D


tiniowien September 20 2011, 12:22:42 UTC
It's funny, back in my X-Files days (and even through my dalliances with the last few years of Buffy) I was a spoiler whore. I'd be scanning the boards, the sites, the news, all for the delightful juciness but nowadays I'm more of a sit-back-and-nervously-wait-it-out fan.

Well, that and I've never been very good at facing the possibility of letting go of a character I've slowly come to love so I'm holding my reactions in check for the season to come. :P


ash48 September 20 2011, 13:30:31 UTC
In the first season on SPN I spoiled myself something rotten. Even to the point of reading everyone's reaction posts before I saw the ep. I soon discovered that I the less I knew the more I enjoyed the ep.

Ah... yes. I think it's good to wait and see what actually happens with that. ;) I know there's been a lot of discussion around the place but I've stayed away. I'm with you. We'll see what happens...


missyjack September 20 2011, 12:22:42 UTC
I'd prefer to see less spoilers than I do, but ironically keeping the Wiki spoiler frees makes that impossible. Generally though I love finding out about whats to come - weeks of little teasers, anticipation and speculation means more than just 44 minutes of enjoyment out of each episode! Occasionally there have been bigger plot points I would prefer not to know as it spoils a great surprise.

However I have to say Madame Gable has kept a very tight lid on things. The couple of spoilers I wish I hadnt known about last season came from fan or paparazzi pictures.


ash48 September 21 2011, 11:25:09 UTC
Yeah - I imagine you come across more than the average punter. I've found people are so much more spoiler aware (on LJ anyway) than they used to be.

I've been enjoying the pre season GLEE to much to pass up on indulging in some spoilers leading up to opening night.

Whee! Not long now...


secretlytodream September 20 2011, 12:25:21 UTC
I'm somewhere between 3 and 2. Like, I'd love to know a spoiler, but I don't go looking for them because I'm too lazy, therefore if someone accidentally (or not) tells me a spoiler I'm totally not bothered by it - in THIS sense - on the contrary I'd be interested in it :) But then again, if it's not something crucial, like, Dean going to hell or something I'm usually like "hm, ok then, moving on". I voted for lever 3 :)


ash48 September 21 2011, 11:30:55 UTC
Hey hun,

I think I'm going to try and be more relaxed this season. I used to even avoid titles in the past, but that's really tricky - especially as I'm on LJ every day.

But yeah... finding out about major plot moments are really disappointing....

Here's to an awesome S7! \o/


secretlytodream September 21 2011, 17:04:27 UTC
Mmm... I was kinda terrible with titles lol Somehow I can remember them all pretty good just knowing them - it comes in real handy in vidding, doesn't it? :D



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