
Sep 20, 2011 19:52

In preparation for the new season *bounces* I am curious about where my flist lie on my spoil-o-meter.

It's nice to know so I don't accidentally spoil you. Or know that I can chat about spoilers with you if I've seen some. But mostly I'm just a sticky nose. :)

I'd say I'm mostly Level 4. (though at the moment I'm level three - because I'm just ITCHING to see SOMETHING!)

Poll Spoiler-o-meter

I am planning to post reactions/reviews again. It's fun and often I feel the need to SQUEE or rant or reflect and just chat and share.

I am also going to be keeping a running tally of deaths. That way, updating the Death Stats at the end of the season will be easier and if I have a question re a death I can ask you all. :)

s7 musings, poll

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