erilyn and
alasen were awesome houseguests for the last five days, I miss you guys already!!!, erm, and in fact I owe the swear jar a dollar now, because use of the word awesome is now banned in these parts. It was the first thing Lyn mentioned when I met her off the shuttle, namely that she'd been saying it too often and was henceforth going to use fantastic
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Comments 14
As for me, I have had a look at my finances and gone "OMFG." and now I am full of Grim Determination that I will Save For A House and Not Spend Any Money On Unnecessary Frivolities (thank god the internets counts as essential. And TV costs more or less nothing *cough*). But I will save! And not have to put up with this shithole where there is still a fucking possum in the wall! *stabs*
HIIII!!!! get_together was AWESOME
Most excellent. *rubs hands in Monty Burns-like fashion*
The contagion spreadeth, and I am not alone.
And yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I always worry a little about 'the quiet ones', or really just the first timers, because the rest of us have all learned each others' foibles, and just to shout when we want to be heard (or, y'know, to show passion), and I think that's probably a little intimidating... :-D But yeah, good, excellent.
*hugs you*
My recently picked up word seems to be 'dude'. I caught myself using it at work ('Dude, you can't more your left side, that sucks!' or something sorta like that...), so now I'm trying to ban it's use even in my internal thoughts. *mentally smacks the boys around, but Dean puts up a hell of a fight*
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