(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 17:25

erilyn and alasen were awesome houseguests for the last five days, I miss you guys already!!!, erm, and in fact I owe the swear jar a dollar now, because use of the word awesome is now banned in these parts. It was the first thing Lyn mentioned when I met her off the shuttle, namely that she'd been saying it too often and was henceforth going to use fantastic (except all Eccleston-esque, so fun-TUS-tic) instead, and I wholeheartedly concurred, because I'd caught myself last week trying to write 'awesome exam result' in a school report, and that is just wrong on more levels than I can count. When did awesome become the fannish word de jour? Because I thought I'd picked it up off the boys, but it appears to be more widespread.

Anyway. When they first said they were coming I was all sheepish, "As long as you realise the apartment is a WIP", and Lyn threw back, "Does that mean we have to leave feedback or you'll never finish?". To which the reply was, had to be, "Plz R&R. Srsly. If not, I wont bother." And how it pains me to leave the apostrophe out, but surely txt communicators don't respect punctuation? Or do they? The funny thing is, though, that it's actually kinda true. I've run out of the original burst of excited energy when you first come up with a great new fic idea and charge in either the brown cupboards and brown and orange paisley wallpaper went or I did, and now I'm left with a bunch of disjointed paras in Word to cobble together into a satisfying resolution a garage full of boxes of old magazines, clothes I haven't worn in a while, the mess off my old bedroom floor and out of the hall cupboard (which I actually kinda need, since as usual it somewhere contains my passport), and moldy wallpaper in the bathroom that needs to be replaced but can't be till I fix the plumbing. There are a million small tasks I could do, but I don't unless there's someone to come round and comment on my progress. *sigh* Still, I bought a proper (and very pretty) bathroom cabinet today (wrought iron and glass) so that was one tiny step for a tired woman, one giant leap for a sad bathroom. Plz let me no wot u thnk! KTHXBY!!!1!

fangirls, the wip that is my apartment, aussies

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