Someday, someday I shall accidentally incurr your hate! I am the queen of forgetting to return books! (There was a German version of a fantasy book that I failed to return to Chris Greene for two, maybe three whole years.)
Whoever they are, they also took Disc 1 of my Firefly set. ONLY DISC ONE, rendering the rest of the box set worthless since I must buy another SET to get back DISC ONE.
Comments 7
Someday, someday I shall accidentally incurr your hate! I am the queen of forgetting to return books! (There was a German version of a fantasy book that I failed to return to Chris Greene for two, maybe three whole years.)
Wow - that's a lot of hate.
On the plus side, I know exactly who borrowed my copy of Watchmen & should get it back from 'em tomorrow.
All of it. I spent all of my money building a translocation inverter, and now I have to steal stuff from people, because I'm so poor.
I try to send it back, and sometimes it works. But, I'm afraid your copy of Watchmen is orbiting Pluto, right now, next to someone's Jaguar.
I didn't put the Jaguar there.
Anyways, MY BAD.
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