Shock the monkey!

Jul 09, 2008 12:19

 My dad sends me the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) e-mails.

Want Some Torture With Your Peanuts?

Aviation Security

Posted 2:18 PM by: P. Jeffrey Black and Jeffrey Denning

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omgwut, news, politics

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Comments 13

nekohitori July 9 2008, 16:47:12 UTC
Okay, I can understand using that on a convicted felon that's being transported via airlines, but everyday passengers?



arwydd July 9 2008, 17:15:56 UTC
What really concerns me is what will happen once you get flight attendants and other staff onboard the airplane hopped up on that kind of power. Can anyone say taser abuse??

But I can imagine that if it ever got approved, the airline industry would bottom out completely. Surely the public wouldn't stand for it?!


zed_pm July 9 2008, 19:22:01 UTC
That is....messed up. There are waaaaaaay too many problems with that to actually work.


arwydd July 9 2008, 19:35:45 UTC
Yeah. Rabbit, a friend of my family's, pointed this out:

"I also notice in the video that the Sky marshal pointed his zapper at the terrorist and brought only him down. This would imply that the marshal would be able to predetermine which bracelet to target, and then program his zapper control to disable just that guy. I would assume in reality that everybody in the plane would be zapped. From what I've seen of how police with tasers act they all would be zapped repeatedly till the terrorist showed no signs of life or, till the marshal's zapping finger got tired. I notice that the passengers did not appear to be slumped in their seats after the attack. Maybe shoulder belts for airplanes are included in this safety package."

It's just so ridiculous that I can't help but laugh - even though it's frightening at the same time. XD


zed_pm July 9 2008, 20:18:53 UTC
LOL That is even MORE messed up! Surely they can't be serious with this crap, right? o_0


arwydd July 9 2008, 20:37:27 UTC
In this day and age and with this administration? Deadly serious.

And I do mean that literally. D: (Cause it's AMERICA GODDAMNIT! And we'll stop those ter'rists even if it means killing EVERYONE IN OUR PATH MUWAHAHAHAHA)


ptath03 July 10 2008, 02:32:10 UTC
They had better not try to put one of those on me! I will NOT comply!


arwydd July 10 2008, 12:23:15 UTC
You and me both! If they actually did that, I don't think I would really care if they arrested me, because having to wear one of those is simply wrong.

It's a slippery slope into facism...


desolate_joker July 10 2008, 08:18:06 UTC
The sad thing is that although it might have good intentions it's eventually going to be abused :S


arwydd July 10 2008, 12:22:05 UTC
Exactly - and that doesn't even cover the issues of invasion of privacy (the tracking device is creepy on so many levels) and the whole "everyone is innocent until proven guilty" thing. I strongly resent being treated like a terrorist when I'm just trying to fly back home or whathaveyou.


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