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Comments 9

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ca_pierson January 18 2009, 11:03:15 UTC
Thank you :)


tzzzz January 13 2009, 01:16:15 UTC
That was really sweet. Thanks for writing.


ca_pierson January 18 2009, 11:03:31 UTC
You're welcome :) it was a lot of fun writing.


dossier January 13 2009, 02:19:16 UTC
I liked this. you captured the teenage angst, and it's a really fascination concept of Atlantis.


ca_pierson January 18 2009, 11:04:43 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


walkawayslowly January 16 2009, 21:40:46 UTC
Oh, teen angst. :) It was lovely! :)


ca_pierson January 18 2009, 11:05:48 UTC
Thanks! I knew it was going to be angsty from the moment I heard the general idea, but I didn't quite expect it to end up like this. I'm glad you liked it.


fawkesielady_ed January 18 2009, 06:03:19 UTC
aawwww, sweet!
Poor little John and Rodney!
You did really good at writing them as teenagers!
Good job!


ca_pierson January 18 2009, 11:09:29 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :). Writing them as teenagers wasn't as hard as I imagined it would be, still, it was a challenge. *blushes* thanks for the praise.


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