A boring post about GIRLS (a girl) and RELATIONSHIPS (a relationship). Made just for you, Slow-Night-On-Artslam.
Alice was Al's friend/fuckbuddy in college. Her place in the plot is much more developed than her looks or personality... She's only around for a short while anyway. But not because Al kills her! I'm proud of you, son.
Every psychopath narcissist needs a girl who'll get slightly obsessed with him, and Alice is the one to stroke Al's ego (AMONG OTHER THINGS HURR HRHRGHDGHFFGGH ugh.)
I love that I can write rape scenes but I'm too squeamish to Google what a bong looks like.
There's no commitment between them aside from "we're good friends who have seen each other naked several more times than most good friends have seen each other naked". My original idea is to get Alice emotionally attached, but unless I pull that off REALLY well that'll be less believable than a meat-eating monster serial killer. But if that goes through, she'll get a little crazy when she finds out that Al (who doesn't know the meaning of the word "monogamy" anyway) is having sex with other girls.
Oh, and she's also the one to give Al his cowboy boots. Probably. I feel like it just makes sense that he finds such tiny shoes for his tiny feet in a girl's closet.
I never seem to draw her at an angle where I can draw some nineties tattoos. GIRL NEEDS, LIKE, A ROSE ON HER WAIST and angel wings on her back or something.
Dangerously coupled with her jealousy, her reproductive capabilities, um... are a factor in the plot much later on. But that's so vague that you probably have no idea what I mean by that! Nooope. Nope.