Artslam - Day 6/31

Aug 06, 2010 22:07

By now I’m sure you’re wondering how long do these little guys actually live. To be plainly honest, they have an undetermined length of life due to the fact very few imps actually escape past a few hundred years before something takes them out (they are fae after all, so they do not really age, but they can be killed). Most imps live fast and die young, not concerned about what is around the next bend, or what dangers might befall them if they should so choose to pull a prank that leaves them exposed/trapped.

(cats are a huge problem for smaller imps and are often deemed as pray)

Of course you do have your imps that make it well past an average lifespan for an imp, and the oldest known living imp is actually a mutation (around 2’6” with large feathered wings) that resides out in the middle of the Siberian forest, and he is a spry 2,500 years old and still known to be kicking. Otherwise you have elders of colonies that are several hundred years old, and they tend to be the ‘go to’ imps for any problems or concerns of the local imps.

(Well, if he stood up straight, he'd be 2'6")

Most likely won't be making another post til Monday, so I'll try to build up a nice stock of sketches over the weekend :3
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